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tag: Sustainability

Research Report
July 14, 2009

BOPCRIS Digitisation Centre 2009

Experimentation with Sustainability and Partnerships for Library Digitisation Projects

The University of Southampton’s Hartley Library has been engaged in a number of large scale, grant funded digitization initiatives focused on heritage materials such as parliamentary papers and British pamphlets. These projects left them with a challenge familiar to many grant-funded projects: developing a strategy to preserve access to the content after the grant period concluded. Early experiences suggested to library leadership that they were not well positioned to host this content locally, so with subsequent projects they began to…
Research Report
July 14, 2009

Centre for Computing in the Humanities 2009

Leveraging Shared Infrastructure and Expertise to Develop Digital Projects in an Academic Department

The Centre for Computing in the Humanities (CCH) at King’s College London, an academic department focused on the advancement of the digital humanities, engages in a wide variety of research projects that often lead to the creation of electronic scholarly outputs. Using a model that is rare among humanities departments, CCH supplements government and institutional funding for research and teaching with a remarkable number of outside research grants and with revenue generated through knowledge transfer activities that leverage the department’s…
Research Report
July 14, 2009

DigiZeitschriften 2009

Library Partnership and a Subscription Model for a Journal Database

DigiZeitschriften, a German language archive of scholarly journals, was created in 1999 with funding from the German Research Foundation. Since its launch as an online service in 2005, DigiZeitschriften has implemented a sustainability model that includes a partnership of libraries contributing time and expertise, and a financial model of institutional subscriptions that has more than covered its operating costs to date. This case study examines the decisions leading DigiZeitschriften to adopt this plan for sustainability, and explores the benefits as…
Research Report
July 14, 2009

eBird 2009

A Two-sided Market for Academic Researchers and Enthusiasts

The Information Science Department at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology is home to eBird, a site where birdwatchers of all levels–from weekenders to academic researchers–can record their avian sightings and upload them for future use by scientists. The site serves a two-sided market: on one side, the birders who record and share their observations, and on the other side, the scientists who use that data for research. This project is notable for the level of interest it generates from users;…
Research Report
July 14, 2009

Sustaining Digital Resources

An On-the-Ground View of Projects Today

This research is part of a multi-year, international exploration of the strategies being used to support digital initiatives over the long term. In 2008, we selected twelve projects to examine, analyzing the steps their project leaders have taken to achieve sustainability, with special attention paid to their strategies for cost management and revenue generation. "Sustaining Digital Resources: An On-the-Ground View of Projects Today" serves as a guide to the cases, outlining the stages that successful projects undertake in developing sustainability…
Research Report
July 14, 2009

Electronic Enlightenment (EE) 2009

Subscription-based Resource Sold Through a University Press

After several years of reliance on foundation support, Oxford University’s Electronic Enlightenment (EE), a database containing the digitized correspondence of over 6,000 thinkers and writers from the long 18th century, needed to transition from a grant funded project to an independently sustainable research project. After hiring a business planning consultant to help them think through different options, project leadership concluded that a sustainability model based on institutional subscriptions to the resource was the best fit for the project’s needs. In…
Research Report
July 14, 2009

Hindawi Publishing Corporation 2009

The Open-Access Contributor-Pays Model

Hindawi Publishing Corporation, a Cairo-based for-profit publisher of science, technology and medical journals, was founded as a subscription-based publisher in 1997. By 2003 Hindawi had begun exploring Open Access models; by 2007 it had become an entirely Open Access publisher, and it now publishes 160 Open Access STM journals. Hindawi’s financial model is based on charging contributors a fee per article published, a model also currently used by BioMed Central and PLoS, among others. Since 2007, Hindawi has continued to…
Research Report
July 14, 2009

L’Institut national de l’audiovisuel 2009

Free Content and Rights Licensing as Complementary Strategies

Since its founding in 1974, L’Institut national de l’audiovisuel (INA) has undergone a profound shift in activities, developing from its role as the protector of the audiovisual heritage of France to the more dynamic role of manager of diverse media assets reaching a variety of audiences, including the general public. Today INA places great emphasis on its mission to enhance and communicate the value of its content to end users, and it supports these efforts through a range of economic…
Research Report
July 14, 2009

The Middle School Portal 2: Math and Science Pathways, National Science Digital Library 2009

Early Sustainability Planning for a Grant-Funded Digital Library

The Middle School Portal 2: Math and Science Pathways project (MSP2) aims to provide middle school teachers with high-quality materials they can use in the classroom, and to foster greater sharing and communication within the middle school teaching community. The original Middle School Portal was a prototype for the "Pathways" projects funded under the umbrella of the National Science Digital Library (NSDL), and MSP2 remains today entirely funded through NSDL. But the project faces a challenge: How will it cover…
Research Report
July 14, 2009

The National Archives (TNA) 2009

Digitisation with Commercial Partnerships via the Licensed Internet Associates Program

The challenges of digitizing, preserving and providing access to over 1,000 years’ worth of material held by The National Archives (TNA) are considerable. In recent years, TNA has developed a strategy to digitize content quickly though its Licensed Internet Associates program. These commercial partnerships, closely managed by TNA staff, have allowed the institution to digitize millions of pages of material at minimal direct cost. This case study explores the model developed by TNA in light of the opportunities that commercial…
Research Report
November 1, 2008

Current Models of Digital Scholarly Communication

The networked digital environment has enabled the creation of many new kinds of works that are accessible to end users directly, and many of these resources have become essential tools for scholars conducting research, building scholarly networks, and disseminating their ideas and work. The decentralized distribution of these new model works can make it difficult to fully appreciate their scope and number, even for university librarians tasked with knowing about valuable resources across the disciplines. In the spring of 2008,…
Research Report
May 1, 2008

Sustainability and Revenue Models for Online Academic Resources

There is no single formula that Online Academic Resources (OARs) can apply to achieve sustainability, no ‘one-size-fits-all’ plan that any organization can follow to reach a point of financial stability. There are, however, a variety of processes and approaches that can help to improve the likelihood of entrepreneurial success.  In an age when traditional content producers – including scholarly publishers and newspapers – struggle to maintain their financial footing in face of the challenges of the digital world, OARs cannot…
Research Report
January 1, 2008

Digital preservation of ejournals in 2008: Urgent Action revisited

Results from a Portico/Ithaka Survey of U.S. Library Directors

The shift from print to electronic journals has raised significant challenges for libraries as they consider ways to ensure the preservation of these important digital resources. In September 2005, library directors from 17 universities and colleges met to discuss the current state of electronic journal preservation and endorsed a statement calling for “Urgent Action” to preserve scholarly electronic journals. In the months that followed, many library associations also endorsed this statement and its principal message that “in a scholarly environment…
Research Report
July 26, 2006

Software and Collaboration in Higher Education

A Study of Open Source Software

Over the years, open source software (OSS) projects have been launched among higher education institutions with the aim of meeting the community’s needs more effectively and at less cost than do commercial options presently available. However, many in the community believe that uncertainty about future support and improvements hinders the widespread adoption of open source software. The creation of a new organization, which we refer to with the generic term “OOSS” (Organization for Open Source Software), has been proposed to…