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Topic: Access to higher education

Past Event
February 22, 2025

Transfer Explorer

Education in Motion: Connecting Careers, Community, and Change

At the SCTEA Education in Motion Conference, Ithaka S+R’s Betsy Mueller will introduce participants to Transfer Explorer, a new national credit mobility website hosted by ITHAKA. The website launched in late 2024 in partnership with systems and institutions across Connecticut, South Carolina, New York, and Washington. Transfer Explorer lets students explore how courses and credits they have earned, or may take in the future, will transfer between institutions and count towards a degree. Aiken Technical’s Chad Crumbaker, Horry-Georgetown Technical’s…
Research Report
December 19, 2024

Tailored Support for First-Year, First-Generation College Students

Findings from an Evaluation of the Kessler Scholars Program

Established and emerging Kessler Scholars Programs at 16 colleges and universities are embedded in and supported by the Kessler Scholars Collaborative, a nationwide network that guides program development and implementation, facilitates practice sharing across institutions, and provides students with opportunities to connect with other first-generation scholars across the country. Ithaka S+R’s multi-year mixed-methods evaluation aims to assess the long-term relationship between program participation and students’ college experiences and psychosocial and academic outcomes, in order to support program improvement and maximize…
Blog Post
December 17, 2024

Higher Education at a Crossroads

Reflecting on the 2024 Complete College America Annual Convening

Complete College America’s (CCA) 2024 Annual Convening, hosted in Indianapolis this past month and framed around going “All In” on college attainment, brought together an array of postsecondary practitioners, leaders, and researchers focusing on student mobility and outcomes. At the conference, Martin Kurzweil and I led a strategy showcase focused on the Holistic Credit Mobility project, a cornerstone of our continuing efforts to support increasingly mobile students. In collaboration with CCA, Ithaka S+R is in the final stages of…
Blog Post
November 15, 2024

How the American Talent Initiative Is Using Communities of Practice to Advance Student Success in Higher Education

The American Talent Initiative (ATI) is dedicated to addressing longstanding disparities in bachelor’s degree attainment for low- and moderate-income students by fostering collaboration among research, philanthropy, and educational entities. Since 2016, ATI membership has grown to include over 135 high-graduation-rate institutions, enrolling more than 18,000 additional Pell Grant students since the project began. A key strategy in ATI’s approach has been the adoption of Communities of Practice (CoPs) to assist member colleges and universities in achieving their socioeconomic diversity…
Past Event
December 4, 2024

State-Based Solutions for Addressing Institutional Debt

SHEEO Communities of Practice

At the State Higher Education Executive Officers Association (SHEEO) Communities of Practice: Supporting Student Loan Borrowers event in Washington DC, Brittany Pearce will join SHEEO Associate Vice President Dustin Weeden and Ohio Department of Higher Education Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Success Christopher Kacir to discuss state-based solutions for addressing institutional debt. The session will take place on December 4 at 12:45pm ET. See the event agenda to learn more.
Blog Post
November 12, 2024

Improving Re-Enrollment for Adult Learners with Some College, No Degree

Announcing a New Project with the New Jersey Office of the Secretary of Higher Education

As states and postsecondary institutions work to achieve critical degree attainment and workforce development goals, establishing policies and practices to effectively support adult learners who have some college but no degree is crucial. Through the statewide “Some College, No Degree” initiative, the New Jersey Office of the Secretary of Higher Education (OSHE) is working to increase adult learner re-enrollment and degree completion in the state. Beginning fall 2024, the New Jersey OSHE and Ithaka S+R are working together to…
Blog Post
November 1, 2024

Paying It Forward

First-Generation Higher Ed Professionals Empowering Current First-Gen Students

A Conversation with Dr. Shakima M. Clency, Adan Hussain, and Christin Kloski of the Kessler Scholars Collaborative. The Kessler Scholars Collaborative supports and connects more than 1,000 Kessler Scholars across 16 institutions, transforming the college experience and supporting degree attainment for first-generation and limited-income students. The Kessler Scholars Program follows a cohort-based model. This means that, in addition to financial support, Kessler Scholars at each institution receive academic, professional, and personal guidance to help them not just access higher…
Blog Post
November 1, 2024

Pennsylvania Adult Learner Re-Engagement Community of Practice

New Project Announcement and Call to Participate

Higher education institutions currently face the unique challenge of maintaining enrollment in the face of demographic cliffs and changing attitudes towards the value of higher education. One area where institutions may see growth is in re-engaging their own pool of stopped out students who are now adult learners with some college credits and no credential (SCNC). The recent regulation limiting transcript withholding by the US Department of Education creates an opportunity for institutions to identify clear pathways for their stopped…
Blog Post
October 29, 2024

New Research Examines How State Bans on Transcript Withholding Have Impacted Institutions

In July 2024, a new set of federal regulations significantly limiting transcript withholding for students who owe a balance to their institution went into effect. Predating this policy, 13 states created their own rules prohibiting or limiting this practice. These policies varied across states with some creating blanket bans on transcript withholding and others only banning the practice in limited circumstances, such as when a transcript was needed by employers or the military for education verification. Ithaka S+R partnered with…
Blog Post
October 28, 2024

Turning Debt into Credentials

The Ohio College Comeback Compact Continues to Benefit Adult Learners, Institutions, and Northeast Ohio

After a successful pilot year and transition to full program implementation, the Ohio College Comeback Compact continues to show growth and positive student outcomes for adults with some college but no credential who departed postsecondary education with past due balances. With continued generous support from Lumina Foundation, The Kresge Foundation, and the Joyce Foundation, Ithaka S+R is pleased to continue partnering with the eight public colleges and universities in Northeast Ohio for the third year of the Compact.
Blog Post
October 15, 2024

American Talent Initiative Awards Grants to 16 Colleges and Universities

Five Million Dollars to Advance Innovative Practices to Support More Low-Income Students

The American Talent Initiative (ATI) has seen an 18,100 increase in the enrollment of students with Pell Grants since its founding in 2015. To continue and build on this progress, ATI is awarding $5 million in grants across 16 ATI-member institutions to support innovative strategies that break barriers and increase college access and success for lower-income students. The 16 institutions were selected from a competitive pool of 47 applicants.
Blog Post
October 10, 2024

Assessing Administrative Holds and Institutional Debts for Stopped Out Students

A New Project to Support Adult Learner Re-engagement in North Carolina

North Carolina is expanding higher education engagement efforts to adult learners. The University of North Carolina System has dedicated substantial resources to improve infrastructure and program delivery to enroll adult learners and re-engage those who have previously stopped out in their educational journeys. To support this ongoing work of reaching degree attainment and workforce development goals, Ithaka S+R is collaborating with the University of North Carolina (UNC) system office to analyze the scope of administrative holds for unpaid balances, which…
Blog Post
October 7, 2024

Looking at Learning Spaces for Higher Education in Prison Programs

What does equitable access to quality instruction look like in a carceral context? How can higher education in prison programs fulfill their obligation to provide their students with an educational experience that is as close as possible to the one of students on main campuses? Drawing on interviews with former students, higher education in prison program personnel, and department of corrections staff members, our new report documents what instructional conditions are like in carceral spaces, and how those conditions…
Research Report
October 7, 2024

Uneven Terrain

Learning Spaces in Higher Education in Prison

How can prison education programs fulfill their obligation to provide their students with an educational experience that is as close as possible to the one of students on main campuses? Thus far, our research into equitable access has focused largely on instructional delivery and practices, and technological access and use. This report broadens our interrogation of that central question by exploring the role of space, architecture, and design in the context of higher education in prison.
Past Event
October 17, 2024

Re-Enrolling Adult Learners with Administrative Holds and Past Due Balances

When students with some college, no credential (SCNC) are unable to re-enroll at their former institutions, institutions lose out on potential enrollments and students lose out on continuing their education. A number of administrative and financial barriers stand in the way of reenrollment, including transcript holds, registration holds, past due balances, and other related issues. To help address these barriers within Kentucky, the Council on Postsecondary Education (CPE) partnered with Ithaka S+R to identify a set of actionable recommendations related…
Blog Post
September 30, 2024

An Introduction to Reentry Service Provision and Community Partnership for College Administrators

New Report

When revised federal Pell Grant regulations went into effect in July of 2023, one of the provisions stipulated that college in prison programs would now be obliged to document how they or the organizations they partner with provide reentry services. Ithaka S+R’s new report, Exploring the Landscape of College and Community Reentry Partnerships, examines how colleges and community organizations can best partner to deliver effective services for reintegrating students. This report represents the first findings from a multi-year project…
Research Report
September 30, 2024

Exploring the Landscape of College and Community Reentry Partnerships

Now that federal Pell Grant funding has been reinstated for learners who are incarcerated, the field is in flux. Higher education in prison programs are adapting and developing their practices to meet new policy and regulation needs. Two major facets of the revised regulations for Pell funding are particularly critical for college in prison programs, namely the requirement to track and report student data, and the obligation to document how they or their partner organizations provide reentry services.
Blog Post
September 27, 2024

Building Data Collection and Evaluation Capacity for Higher Education in Prisons

A New Project Supported by Ascendium Education Group

The reinstatement of Pell Grant funding for people who are incarcerated presents a dramatic opportunity for learners in prison, but it also poses a complex challenge. As more educational programs become available for individuals in prison, it’s essential that departments of corrections (DOCs) and higher education in prison programs are able to measure program effectiveness, quality, and impact over time–including by collecting data on student enrollment, academic outcomes, completion rates and more. To collect and use these data, DOCs, state…
Past Event
November 19, 2024

Using a Holistic Credit Mobility Strategy to Improve Student Success

At the Complete College America Annual Convening on November 19 at 11:30am-12:15pm, Elise Miller McNeely and Kyle Gray will highlight Ithaka S+R’s holistic credit mobility framework as well as share examples of systems and institutions using technology, policy, and practices to support students as they navigate the higher education system and accumulate credits from multiple sources and thorough multiple modalities. Learn more about the session.
Issue Brief
September 10, 2024

Transfer Credit Information at Your Fingertips

Preliminary Findings on Use and Implementation of CUNY Transfer Explorer

CUNY Transfer Explorer (CUNY T-Rex) was developed to simplify the transfer of credits and represents an at-scale technology tool solution that provides transparent and up-to-date information about transfer credit equivalencies to students, faculty, and advisors. We undertook a mixed-methods evaluation to understand the process, conditions, and business requirements that were involved in the launch and proliferation of CUNY T-Rex, as well as to understand the behaviors, uses, and implementation of CUNY T-Rex at individual institutions and system wide.