Liam Sweeney will  present and join a panel during the 2021 AAMG Annual Conference to discuss museum and library collaborations. For more information, please see abstract below. The registration link is available here. 

Museums and libraries struggle to find effective models for collaboration on campus, partially because of their reporting structures, and partially because they lack common operational standards. Siloing campus units can stifle innovation, access, and scholarship, limiting opportunities for discovery and engagement for students, faculty and the public. Many universities are not designed to foster collaboration between units, and as a result staff and leadership must be creative when pursuing this work. This session will offer a case study of one successful instance of collaboration. Princeton University’s libraries and art museums have integrated their collections in order to make content from both discoverable on a single platform. Discussion will explore how this collaboration was realized through the lens of organizational structure as well as through cooperative development of new information technology systems.