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Past Events

Catharine Bond Hill,  John B. King, Jr.  and David Brooks at the ATI Presidential Summit

Catharine Bond Hill, John B. King, Jr. and David Brooks at the ATI Presidential Summit

Past Event
March 3, 2020

Shaping Up Services: Developing Prototypes for Student Success

Melissa Blankstein at the Educause ELI Annual Meeting

On Tuesday, March 3, Melissa Blankstein is presenting a poster on “Shaping Up Services: Developing Prototypes for Student Success,” at the Educause ELI Annual Meeting in Bellevue, Washington. For more information and to register, please visit the conference website. About the poster What methodologies can higher education institutions employ to develop new services that promote student success? This poster will share a data-driven approach recently implemented across a cohort of colleges: concept testing. Through concept testing, service providers can…
Past Event
March 2, 2020

Martin Kurzweil at the Trusted Learner Network Unconference

Martin Kurzweil is participating in the inaugural gathering of the Trusted Learner Network (TLN) Community, taking place on March 2, in Scottsdale, Arizona The TLN is an effort Arizona State University has undertaken, through a technical collaboration with Salesforce, to build a secure, open-source approach to recording, curating, and sharing data on abilities plus skills across the learner’s lifespan. While new technologies like blockchain are sparking new possibilities, it will take human capacity (read: community) to advance significant, learner-centered…
Past Event
February 20, 2020

Student Success Information Interventions: Helping Students Navigate College Services and Resources

Christine Wolff-Eisenberg at DREAM 2020

On Thursday, February 20, Christine Wolff-Eisenberg will be presenting on a panel, “Student Success Information Interventions: Helping Students Navigate College Services and Resources,” at DREAM 2020 in National Harbor, Maryland. Christine will be joined on the panel by Jean Amaral (Borough of Manhattan Community College), Christie Flynn (Pierce College), and Elizabeth Jardine (LaGuardia Community College). For more information and to register, please visit the conference website. About the panel Research recently conducted across seven community colleges has demonstrated the…
Past Event
February 19, 2020

Data Communities: Empowering Researcher-Driven Data Sharing in the Sciences

Danielle Cooper at the International Data Curation Conference

On Wednesday, February 19, Danielle Cooper is presenting on “Data Communities: Empowering Researcher-Driven Data Sharing in the Sciences” at the International Data Curation Conference in Dublin, Ireland. For more information and to register, please see the conference website.
Past Event
February 10, 2020 to February 11, 2020

Improving College Opportunity for Veterans and Service Members

Hosted by Ithaka S+R and College Board

On February 10-11, Ithaka S+R and the College Board are hosting a convening on Improving College Opportunity for Veterans and Service Members at John Hopkins University in Baltimore. The goals of this convening are to build and leverage community amongst organizations focused on improving opportunities for veteran students; share knowledge on effective practices that can improve recruitment, support, graduation, and opportunities for veteran students; and support and sustain commitments The convening will open on February 10 with keynote remarks from…
Past Event
January 30, 2020 to January 31, 2020

Catharine Bond Hill and Martin Kurzweil at the Mellon Research Forum Convening

Catharine Bond Hill and Martin Kurzweil will be participating the Mellon Research Forum Convening hosted by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation in Irvine, California on January 30-31. They will be discussing their continuing research on the value of a liberal arts education. For more information on the forum, please see the Foundation website.  …
Past Event
January 27, 2020

Leading Change: Senior Leaders Examine What is Possible

Catharine Bond Hill Speaks at the Center for Enrollment Research, Policy and Practice Conference

On Monday, January 27, Catharine Bond Hill is speaking on “Leading Change: Senior Leaders Examine What is Possible” at the Center for Enrollment Research, Policy and Practice Conference in Los Angeles. She will be joined by Ted Mitchell, president of the American Council on Education. The conference theme is “Reclaiming Public Trust in Admissions and Higher Education.” For more information and to register, please see the conference website.
Past Event
January 27, 2020

Martin Kurzweil at the Non-Degree Credentials Research Network Meeting

On Monday, January 27, Martin Kurzweil be presenting at the Non-Degree Credentials Research Network Meeting at George Washington University in Washington DC. For more information, please see the NCRN website.    …
Past Event
January 20, 2020 to January 21, 2020

Oya Y. Rieger at the ASAPbio January 2020 Workshop

A Roadmap for Transparent and FAIR Preprints in Biology and Medicine

Oya Y. Rieger is one of the organizers of the upcoming ASAPbio January 2020 Workshop: A Roadmap for Transparent and FAIR Preprints in Biology and Medicine. The workshop will take place on January 20-21, in Hinxton, UK. Oya will also lead a session on citations, archiving, sustainability, and adoption on Tuesday January 21 at 11:45 am. To view the complete agenda, please see the workshop website. About the workshop reprints offer an opportunity to advance science through…
Past Event
January 10, 2020

Rebecca Springer at the Modern Language Association Annual Convention

On Friday, January 10, Rebecca Springer is taking part in a panel discussion on “What Is Humanities Research Now?” at the Modern Language Association Annual Convention in Seattle. She’ll be joined on the panel by Amanda L. Watson (New York U), John Tofanelli (Columbia U), Matthew Roberts (U of Illinois, Urbana), Ashley Champagne (Brown U), Darby Fanning (U of Utah), and Julie Frick Wade (MLA). The Modern Language Association’s Mary Onorato is moderating. For more information, please see the…
Past Event
December 9, 2019

Data Sharing from the Ground Up

Danielle Cooper and Rebecca Springer at CNI

On Monday, December 9, 2019, at 2:30 pm, Danielle Cooper and Rebecca Springer will present on “Data Sharing from the Ground Up: Building Data Communities” at the CNI Fall Meeting in Washington DC. For more information and to register for the conference, please see the CNI website. Abstract There is a growing consensus that research can progress more quickly, more innovatively, and more rigorously when scholars share data with each other. Policies and supports for data sharing…
Past Event
November 19, 2019

The Future of Content Distribution: Licensing or Leakage

Roger Schonfeld Moderates SSP Webinar

On Tuesday, November 19, at 11:00 am, Roger Schonfeld is moderating an SSP webinar, “The Future of Content Distribution: Licensing or Leakage.” Speakers for the webinar include Jonathan Austin, Director of Product Management at Springer Nature, Todd Toler, Vice President of Product Strategy & Partnerships at John Wiley & Sons, and Elaine Westbrooks, Vice Provost for University Libraries & University Librarian at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. For more information about the webinar and to register, please…
Past Event
November 16, 2019

Towards a Higher Education in Prison Research Infrastructure

Rayane Alamuddin and Meagan Wilson Host Meeting at the 2019 National Conference on Higher Education in Prison

On Saturday, November 16, from 1:00 – 2:00 pm, Rayane Alamuddin and Meagan Wilson are hosting “Towards a Higher Education in Prison Research Infrastructure,” at the 2019 National Conference on Higher Education in Prison in St. Louis, Missouri. For more information, please see the conference website. About the meeting The lack of an adequate research infrastructure surrounding postsecondary prison programming greatly limits our ability to facilitate empirical research evaluating the quality of higher education available to incarcerated students.
Past Event
November 16, 2019

Danielle Cooper and Kurtis Tanaka at the National Conference on Higher Education in Prison

On Saturday, November 16, ITHAKA is hosting a breakfast session  to share an update on “Providing Offline Access to High-Quality Library Resources in Prisons”at the 2019 National Conference on Higher Education in Prison in St. Louis, Missouri. With support from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, in 2019 ITHAKA launched an initiative to help improve higher education in prison and reduce barriers for student research. In this session, Danielle Cooper and Kurtis Tanaka will provide an update on the project’s research…
Past Event
November 14, 2019

The Unfunded Mandate of Compliance

Oya Y. Rieger at NFAIS Foresight Event

On Thursday, November 14, Oya Y. Rieger is speaking on “The Unfunded Mandate of Compliance” at the NFAIS Foresight Event, “Open Access: The Role and Impact of Preprint Servers,” in Washington DC. Her talk will take place at 2:00 pm. For more information and to register, please see the event website. Abstract During the last decade, we’ve witnessed the emergence of public access policies by a range of governmental and private funding agencies to open up scholarly outputs that…
Past Event
November 8, 2019

The Impact of Market Consolidation on Libraries and Universities

Roger Schonfeld at the Charleston Conference

On Friday, November 8, from 9:45 – 10:30 am, Roger Schonfeld is taking part in a panel discussion, “Good, Bad or Somewhere In-Between: The Impact of Market Consolidation on Libraries and Universities,” at the Charleston Conference. He will be speaking with Meg White (Rittenhouse Book Distributors), Kara Kroes Li (EBSCO Information Services), and Doug Way (University of Kentucky Libraries). For more information and to register, please see the conference website. About the panel Mergers and acquisitions are a normal…
Past Event
November 7, 2019

The Future of Subscription Bundles: Big Deal, No Deal, or What’s the Deal?

Roger Schonfeld at the Charleston Conference

On Thursday, November 7, from 4:30 – 5:15 pm, Roger Schonfeld will present on “The Future of Subscription Bundles: Big Deal, No Deal, or What’s the Deal?” as part of a Charleston Conference panel. Beth Bernhardt (Oxford University Press), Tim Bucknall (the University of North Carolina at Greensboro), and Mark McBride (SUNY System Administration) are also presenting. For more information and to register, please see the conference website. About the panel In light of well-publicized negotiations around journal deals…
Past Event
November 7, 2019

Preprints – Why Should Librarians Care?

Oya Rieger at the Charleston Conference

On, Thursday, November 7, from 2:30 – 3:10 pm, Oya Y. Rieger will join Susan K. Kendall (Michigan State University Libraries), Rachel Burley (Springer Nature), and Jessica Polka (ASAPbio) for a panel discussion on “Preprints – Why Should Librarians Care?” at the Charleston Conference. For more information and to register, please see the conference website. About the panel Librarians play a critical role in supporting students and faculty in understanding the trends and developments in scholarly communications. Librarians also…
Past Event
November 6, 2019

Community College Success: Student Perspectives & Institutional Practices

Rayane Alamuddin and Christine Wolff-Eisenberg Present at College Board Forum

On Wednesday, November 6, from 4:00-5:15 pm, Rayane Alamuddin and Christine Wolff-Eisenberg will present on “Community College Success: Student Perspectives & Institutional Practices” at the College Board Forum in Washington, DC. They will be joined on the panel by Dr. Braddlee, Dean of Learning & Technology Resources at Northern Virginia Community College, Annandale Campus, and Elizabeth Gonzalez, Director of the METAS Center and Hispanic Serving Institution Initiatives, at San Jose City College. For more information about the Forum and to…
Past Event
November 6, 2019

Resolved: Preprint Servers Have Improved the Scholarly Communication System

Oya Rieger at the Charleston Conference

On Wednesday, November 6, from 4:45 – 5:45 pm, Oya Y. Rieger is taking part in a “Hyde Park Debate” at the Charleston Conference. Oya will argue in favor of the proposition: Resolved: Preprint servers have improved the scholarly communication system.” Taking the opposing side is Kent Anderson (Caldera Publishing Solutions). Rick Anderson will serve as moderator and timekeeper. For more information and to register, please see the conference website. From the conference website The structure of the event…