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tag: AI

Past Event
November 14, 2023

Adapting to Innovation: Perspectives from Across Sectors

Texas Digital Learning Week

At Texas Digital Learning Week on November 14, held by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board OERTX, Ithaka S+R’s Dylan Ruediger will participate in a roundtable discussion on “Adapting to Innovation: Perspectives from Across Sectors.” The session will feature a distinguished panel of professionals who have successfully navigated the ever- evolving landscape of their respective sectors, and they’ll discuss how the integration of AI has become a pivotal driver of innovation in their areas. This panel can inform educators,…
Blog Post
September 28, 2023

Is Your University Building a Custom AI Platform?

In June 2023, the University of Michigan’s Generative AI Committee released a report with a list of recommendations for how to adapt to increased use of generative AI tools like ChatGPT. One of the committee’s key recommendations was that the university provide “secure and equitable access to GenAI platforms and tools for the entire U-M community.” To meet this need, the University of Michigan launched a custom AI…
Blog Post
September 21, 2023

Generative AI Goes Back to School

Where Things Stand in Fall 2023

The commercial release of ChatGPT and other forms of generative AI created a firestorm this spring in and well beyond higher education. Other types of AI were already being used in university settings, particularly by researchers, but the sudden availability of consumer-friendly tools capable of generating responses to virtually any query transformed AI from a specialized tool into a mass-market product. The rapid spread of these easy to use tools raised important questions about teaching, learning, and research practices in…
Past Event
September 15, 2023

What’s Next for Generative AI in Higher Education?

As AI technologies continue to rapidly evolve, how can universities make strategic decisions about when and how AI can support student learning and faculty research? In a presentation at the Tulsa Higher Education Consortium on September 15 at 11am – 12pm, Dylan Ruediger and Claire Baytas will share early insights into an Ithaka S+R project, key issues raised by generative AI, and strategies for harnessing the technology in the longer term. Register to attend the virtual event.
Past Event
August 24, 2023

Generative AI for Library and Information Professionals

North American Voices in Developing an IFLA Resource

Generative AI is one of the most pertinent topics in any information setting nowadays. In response to the rise of generative AI, IFLA’s AI Special Interest Group has compiled a guide for library and information professionals. On Thursday, August 24 at 1-2:30pm ET, Ithaka S+R’s Dylan Ruediger will participate in a session at IFLA’s 88th World Library and Information Congress that will explore the opportunities, challenges…
Past Event
August 14, 2023

Embracing Digital Transformation in Higher Education

Shaping the Future of Teaching & Learning

Ithaka S+R’s Mark McBride will deliver the keynote address at Fredonia’s 17th Annual Teaching & Learning Conference, Digital Transformation: Leveraging Technology for Student Success, on Monday, August 14. The keynotes session will reflect on the steps higher education has taken in adopting digital technology into the campus ecosystem, including the affordances of digital learning and the increasing demand from students for higher education to take a digital-first approach to teaching and learning. Largely due to previous exposure…
Past Event
July 12, 2023

What’s Next for Generative AI in Higher Education?

AACRAO Technology & Transfer Virtual Summit

Over the past year, AI has transformed from a specialized tool into an easy to use mass market product. The speed of this transformation has left many colleges and universities playing catch up as generative AI touches every aspect of higher education, including their core missions of educating students and supporting academic research. In a rapidly evolving landscape, how can universities make strategic decisions about when and how AI can support student learning and faculty research? Ithaka S+R is…
Blog Post
June 27, 2023

Taking a Student-Centered Approach

A Spotlight on College Unbound’s Approach to Generative AI Policy

The flurry of announcements in recent months of new, and ever improving, generative AI technologies, is causing universities to reexamine every area of their operations. At the current, very nascent phase of university-wide adoption, institutions are responding primarily by providing background information to their stakeholders. How can an institution move from general information sharing to developing and deploying the guidance, services, and tools that will enable staff and students to harness this technology’s potential—and pitfalls? This fall, Ithaka…
Blog Post
June 15, 2023

Made by Hand

The Case for Manual Data Collection in an Era of Automation

When designing a research study a key consideration is which research method—or methods—will yield the best insights. Here at Ithaka S+R we conduct applied research related to the education and cultural heritage sectors, and so we aim to collect evidence that can be used for immediate social benefit, such as towards improving policies and programs within institutions. Today we describe a method we regularly employ: manually collecting data from public facing websites. The information we can find through public websites…
Blog Post
May 24, 2023

Making AI Generative for Higher Education

Announcing the Partners for a New Multi-Year Research Project

The ability of computers to create content is advancing rapidly, spurring an investment arms race within the technology sector. As new products like ChatGPT and Midjourney turn AI into a part of daily life, universities are facing decisions about how students, instructors, and researchers can best engage with these new tools. This fall, as part of a two-year research project, Ithaka S+R is convening a select group of universities committed to making AI generative for their campus community. Today we…