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tag: Art Museum Demographic Survey

Blog Post
March 3, 2025

Announcing the Fourth Cycle of the Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey

The Mellon Foundation and Ithaka S+R Opened the 2025 Cycle of the Survey on March 3rd

Since 2014, Ithaka S+R and the Mellon Foundation have fielded the Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey in collaboration with the Association of Art Museum Directors (AAMD) and the American Alliance of Museums (AAM). We are excited to announce the continued collaboration through a fourth cycle of the demographic survey of art museum employees. For over a decade, the Staff Demographic Survey has stood as one of the most cited quantitative studies on demographics within North American art museums. By measuring…
Past Event
May 9, 2024

Data Dive into Art Museums

Staff Demographics & Leadership Insights

Art museums are not only repositories of culture but also vibrant centers for learning, exploration, and community engagement. They play a crucial role in preserving artistic heritage, fostering creativity and imagination, and promoting understanding of our shared history. But who are the people behind this work? Join a webinar hosted by the National Archive of Data on Arts and Culture (NADAC) in collaboration with the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) that will spotlight the valuable insights from…
Past Event
December 1, 2023

The Mellon Foundation and Ford Foundation Cultural Data Convening

On December 1st, at 3:00pm -4:30pm EST, Deirdre Harkins and Liam Sweeney will present on the 2022 Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey, and 2022 Art Museum Directors Survey. Hosted by Julia Halperin and Charlotte Burns, authors of the Burns/Halperin report, this convening was created with the goal of creating connections and exploring ways to learn more about similar projects in the field.
Blog Post
May 4, 2023

2022 Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey Dashboard

Last year, Ithaka S+R, in partnership with the Association of Art Museum Directors (AAMD), the American Alliance of Museums (AAM), and with funding from the Mellon Foundation, was able to launch the third cycle of the Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey. Filling out this survey can be time intensive, as rather than survey staff directly, we ask that museums submit data that has been recorded in their human resources system. This requires museum directors or their designee to fill…
Past Event
May 21, 2023

Highlights from the 2022 Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey

Session at the 2023 American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting

Ithaka S+R’s Liam Sweeney, Deirdre Harkins, and Joanna Dressel will present a session at the American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting on highlights from the Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey, published in November 2022. Learn about results from the survey and the latest data and findings on demographics of art museum staff across the US. The session is scheduled to take place on Sunday, May 21 at  9:10 – 9:35 am MDT.
Past Event
May 21, 2023

Living Wages in the Museum Field: Signs of a Crisis on the Horizon

Session at the 2023 American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting

On Sunday, May 21 at 8:40 – 9:05 am MDT at the 2023 American Alliance of Museums Annual Meeting, Ithaka S+R’s Liam Sweeney, Deirdre Harkins, and Joanna Dressel will present a session on signs of a crisis on the horizon for the museum field, drawing insights from the Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey, published in November 2022.
Past Event
January 24, 2023

2022 Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey

Association of Art Museum Directors Webinar

On January 24th, at 12:00 – 1:00 pm EST, Liam Sweeney, Deirdre Harkins, Joanna Dressel, and Mellon Foundation program officer Deborah Cullen-Morales will present findings from the third cycle of the Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey at a webinar hosted by the Association of Art Museum Directors (AAMD). The report, published in November 2022, covers information on the demographics of art museum staff since the first cycle in 2014, including a closer analysis of all art museum positions, as…
Blog Post
November 16, 2022

New Insights on Trustees and Staff in Art Museums

The Black Trustee Alliance 2022 Art Museum Trustee Survey and the Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey 2022

Today Ithaka S+R releases two research reports, the 2022 Art Museum Trustee Survey and the Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey 2022, which introduce new insights into key constituencies in the cultural sector. For roughly a decade Ithaka S+R has produced research reports that shed light on strategy and leadership, staff demographics and employment characteristics, as well as governance and organizational structure within art museums.
Research Report
November 16, 2022

Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey 2022

With support from the Mellon Foundation and in partnership with AAM and AAMD, Ithaka S+R conducted a third cycle of the Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey. As museums have struggled with revenue losses due to the pandemic, many in the field expressed concern that museums would grow less diverse. This study shows that the opposite is true. Findings shed light on the trajectory of demographic changes and the impact of the pandemic on staffing.
Blog Post
March 17, 2022

Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey Cycle 3

Interim Updates

On Monday, February 7, 2022, Ithaka S+R opened Cycle 3 of the Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey—a survey funded by the Mellon Foundation and fielded in partnership with the Association of Art Museum Directors (AAMD) and the American Alliance of Museums (AAM). Cycle 3 has now been open for approximately one month, and we would like to offer the following updates to support art museums still compiling their employee…
Past Event
March 2, 2022

Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey “How to” Webinar

On March 2, to support the data collection process for the Art Museum Demographic Survey, Ithaka S+R staff will walk through the instructions for the survey and discuss the frequently asked questions. The session will end with a Q&A for attendees to ask questions of their own that address the specific concerns of their institutions. We encourage all art museum senior staff and human resources staff to attend. If you have not received the link to the Survey,…