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tag: CEA Conference

Upcoming Event
July 31, 2024

Reentry Services: College and Community Partnership Models and Practices (A Discussion)

While the reinstatement of federal Pell grant funding and developments in the field, have turned attention toward higher education in prison programs, explorations of how higher education in prison programs can best provide reintegration support and continuing education post-release are only just beginning. In addition to the host of complex challenges that individuals who are incarcerated face upon release—such as obtaining housing, employment, food, transportation, documentation, technology, etc.—continuing students are faced with additionally navigating and finding community and belonging within…
Upcoming Event
July 30, 2024

Strengthening Digital Equity and Education Technology Use in Prison

Recent changes in the education in prison landscape, ranging from the reinstatement of federal Pell grant funding to post-pandemic technology experimentation, are making educational technology more available inside. As availability grows, research and evaluation on educational technology use and instruction inside is shifting  from questions of access  to explorations of how technology can be integrated to increase digital and educational equity. This interactive session at the Correctional Education Association (CEA)’s 2024 Conference, co-led by…
Past Event
August 23, 2023

Education Technology in Prison Programs

Survey Finding & Building the Technology Ecosystem

Technological solutions to support and enhance correctional education have been a growing area of interest over the past several years. A series of major “shocks to the system,” such as COVID, staffing shortages, and soon, the restoration of Pell grants, has only accelerated questions about technology, its implementation, and proper role in supporting education. To help answer these questions, a session at the Correctional Education Association Conference, led by representatives from RTI and Ithaka S+R, will present recent research…
Blog Post
September 13, 2022

Reflections on the 2022 Correctional Education Association (CEA) Conference

As the professional association for Department of Corrections (DOC) education staff, the Correctional Education Association conference is an important opportunity for sharing and learning about the latest trends, trailblazers, and trials facing those who provide education in prisons. With the restoration of Pell grants for incarcerated college students now less than a year away, we were eager to hear how DOC education leadership and staff were responding to this major shift in the field.