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tag: Education technology

Past Event
June 25, 2024

Library Technologies

Join Roger Schonfeld, Ithaka S+R Vice President, Organizational Strategy and Libraries, Scholarly Communication, and Museums, and members of the SCONUL Horizons Strategy Group to explore the evolving landscape on library technologies on June 25 from 1:30 – 3:00pm. The webinar marks the launch of a new project considering the community’s relationship with its suppliers in the context of the increasing vertical and horizontal integration of the provider markets, and growing pressure on library budgets in the UK. The project will be…
Blog Post
October 31, 2023

Aligning the Conversation on Technology Use for Education Programs in Prisons and Jails

A Collaborative Update and Call to Action for the Education in Prisons and Jails Research Community Given recent policy changes and expanded access to postsecondary education, technology options for education programs in prisons and jails are increasing at all levels. Education technology vendors are responding to these changes with new platforms, instructional content, and devices that can be used to support education programming inside facilities. At the same time, there is a growing need for research on the use of…