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tag: Reentry

Upcoming Event
July 31, 2024

Reentry Services: College and Community Partnership Models and Practices (A Discussion)

While the reinstatement of federal Pell grant funding and developments in the field, have turned attention toward higher education in prison programs, explorations of how higher education in prison programs can best provide reintegration support and continuing education post-release are only just beginning. In addition to the host of complex challenges that individuals who are incarcerated face upon release—such as obtaining housing, employment, food, transportation, documentation, technology, etc.—continuing students are faced with additionally navigating and finding community and belonging within…
Blog Post
September 11, 2023

Building College-Community Partnerships for Reentry

New ECMC Foundation Funding to Support Higher Education After Incarceration

Higher education in prison programs are receiving significant attention in light of the restoration of Pell grants, but the provision of reentry support and continuing education post release has only recently become a focus of the field. From complex college application systems and financial aid processes to meeting basic needs, students face a range of obstacles that may prevent them from completing their degrees after incarceration. Building pathways that specifically support students in achieving their educational goals post-release will be…
Blog Post
December 6, 2022

What Colleges Need to Know About Reentry

Takeaways from the Education Justice Project's Reentry Guide

The Education Justice Project (EJP) recently released its “National 2022 Interactive Reentry Guide, Mapping Your Future.” With the restoration of Pell funding for students in prison set to take effect July 1, 2023, it will be more important than ever for colleges and universities to build their awareness of the reentry process and the resources these students will need to support their success.