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tag: Research

Blog Post
July 18, 2024

Defining Undergraduate Research Across Disciplines

Takeaways from ConnectUR

Identified as a high-impact practice by the American Association of Colleges and Universities in 2008, undergraduate research, scholarship, or creative activity is known to be especially transformative for underrepresented students, who are likely to face more barriers to participation. While most scholarship and funding of undergraduate research experiences is centered on the sciences, universities are making efforts to provide equivalent experiences for undergraduates in the arts, humanities, and social sciences—especially in the first two years of undergraduate study.
Upcoming Event
October 15, 2024

AI Readiness

STM Conference 2024

At the STM Conference 2024 on “Advancing Trusted Research in the AI Era” in Frankfurt, Ithaka S+R’s Roger Schonfeld will facilitate a panel on AI readiness. The panel is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, October 15 at 2:45pm. Learn more about the conference and see the full schedule.
Blog Post
June 15, 2023

Made by Hand

The Case for Manual Data Collection in an Era of Automation

When designing a research study a key consideration is which research method—or methods—will yield the best insights. Here at Ithaka S+R we conduct applied research related to the education and cultural heritage sectors, and so we aim to collect evidence that can be used for immediate social benefit, such as towards improving policies and programs within institutions. Today we describe a method we regularly employ: manually collecting data from public facing websites. The information we can find through public websites…
Blog Post
May 16, 2016

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion within Academic Libraries

Announcing a New Research Project

Diversity, equity, and inclusiveness are vital issues for society in the United States and beyond. National policy discussions have catalyzed concerns that our higher education institutions are not providing the leadership on these issues that we would like to see. Ithaka S+R is today announcing our latest project examining diversity in cultural organizations, this time focusing on academic libraries.   The Spring 2016 ARL meeting provided ample evidence of the importance…