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tag: Student veterans

Blog Post
October 31, 2024

Prospective Student Veterans Face Complex Choices on the Journey to a Bachelor’s Degree

As Veteran’s Day approaches, there is renewed attention paid to those individuals who have served in our nation’s military and to the ways our nation repays that service. The majority of military service members often cite education benefits as one of their primary motivations for joining the military. However, once they leave the service, many veterans are not making best use of those benefits due to undermatching, whereby students attend institutions where they…
Blog Post
October 31, 2024

From Service to Study

Exploring Barriers and Expanding Opportunities for Veterans in Higher Education

Introduction On Thursday, September 19, 2024 in New York City, The Teagle Foundation, Warrior Scholar Project (WSP), and Ithaka S+R convened a group of higher education and philanthropic leaders for an off-the-record, roundtable discussion focused on the unique value military veterans bring to college campuses, the barriers institutions face in recruiting and supporting them, and the role nonprofit partners and education funders could play in bolstering these efforts. Committed to the proposition that an expansion of postsecondary educational opportunities for…
Past Event
March 7, 2024

Serving Those Who’ve Served: Enrolling & Graduating Veterans

SXSW EDU 2024 Session

Veterans are significantly underrepresented at the colleges and universities with the highest graduation rates, despite being well-qualified to attend. The benefit of a bachelor’s degree for the student is clear, but for these institutions, enrolling veterans also provides numerous benefits, including the opportunity to increase diversity, expand the enrollment pipeline, and receive federal financial assistance from GI Bill funds. This session at SXSW EDU 2024 will highlight best practices, from both the administrator and student perspective, for enrolling, supporting,…
Blog Post
November 10, 2023

What’s Next? Ideas for Future Exploration in Student Veteran Access and Success

This October, we embarked on a blog series focusing on the experiences of student veterans in higher education, sharing takeaways from our conversations with eight campus-based programs and non-profit organizations that support student veterans’ college success alongside the latest enrollment data. Those conversations provided insights into many best practices that institutions can employ to recruit, enroll, and graduate veteran students, while also introducing new questions and ideas for future work. In this installment, we identify…
Blog Post
November 1, 2023

The Importance of Student Veteran Belonging

Over the past summer, we spoke with institutional and organizational leaders committed to supporting student veterans in higher education, and in every conversation, we heard about the importance of belonging to student veteran success. Many of these administrators and leaders observed that today’s student veterans are not who most faculty members, administrators, and other students think they are. For more than a decade, the image of the typical student veteran was shaped by the public image of combatants returning…
Blog Post
October 24, 2023

The Trouble with Transfer for Student Veterans

The US military affords servicemembers a variety of opportunities to engage in postsecondary education, taking courses and earning academic credit, during and following their service. Those opportunities are a prominent selling point for enlistment and remain a priority for those considering joining up. There is a bitter irony in the high value that many service members put on these benefits because they do not yet know how difficult it will be to use the credits they have earned to complete…
Blog Post
October 17, 2023

Best Practices at the Institutional Level

Enrolling and Supporting Student Veterans

Last month, my colleagues and I spoke with institutional representatives from five different institutions: Columbia University, Cornell University, Syracuse University, Texas A&M, and the University of Chicago. These institutions all have a strong commitment to student veteran enrollment, but are at different stages of the process. For example, Cornell and UChicago have been actively scaling up the enrollment of veterans over the last few years, while Texas A&M has long enrolled many hundreds of veterans each year. At Columbia and…
Blog Post
October 12, 2023

Veterans Enrollment: What Do the Data Show?

In 2019, Ithaka S+R published a paper discussing the underrepresentation of student veterans at high-graduation-rate institutions and outlining the various barriers—ranging from financial aid policies to transfer credit limitations—that prevent veterans from enrolling in such institutions. As we explained in that paper, these barriers partly explain why, as of 2015-16, only one in 10 veterans using GI Bill benefits were enrolling at institutions with graduation rates above 70 percent, while approximately one-third of veterans were using GI Bill benefits…
Blog Post
October 12, 2023

Student Veteran Blog Series

Introduction and Overview

The ending of the formal COVID-19 public health emergency offers an opportunity to reflect on how the upheaval of the past few years has impacted many facets of life and society, including higher education. At Ithaka S+R, we are taking this opportunity to revisit some of our previous work focused on the experiences of student veterans (see note on language below) that was completed just prior to the…