Topic: Collections and preservation
Blog Post
April 26, 2023
Three Questions for Tracy Bergstrom
Earlier this month, Tracy Bergstrom joined Ithaka S+R as a program manager focused on collections and infrastructure. Previously she worked at the University of Notre Dame as director of the specialized collection services program within the Hesburgh Libraries. In this interview, we asked Tracy about her career trajectory, the challenges facing academic libraries, and what types of projects she will be undertaking in her new role. You worked at Notre Dame for a number of years. How did you get…
Blog Post
March 30, 2023
Findings from the Most Recent US Library Survey
Today, we are publishing our findings from the latest cycle of the US Library Survey, fielded from October to December 2022. This report is designed to provide library and other higher education leaders with a high-level look at how library deans and directors conceptualize the role, strategic alignment, and value proposition of academic libraries on campuses. In this sixth iteration of the project, we continue to explore library strategy, budgets, and staffing. We also introduced new batteries of questions…
Past Event
March 17, 2023
Casting a Different Kind of Net
Diversifying Collections in Academic Libraries
At ACRL’s 2023 Conference, Ithaka S+R’s Mark McBride will participate in an OCLC hosted panel discussion on diversifying collections in academic libraries, alongside Andy Breeding and Merrilee Proffitt. The panel is scheduled to take place on Friday, March 17 at 9 – 10 am. Panelists will share findings from recent research and related discussions that explore: What does it mean to diversify collections? What practices can support those efforts? What barriers are being encountered? What does a better future look…
Past Event
March 9, 2023
A Library for All
University of Michigan, Google, and the Importance of Having a Copy
On Thursday, March 9 at 7 pm ET, Ithaka S+R’s Roger Schonfeld will serve as a panelist on a University of Michigan event focused on library digitization, digital archiving, and the idea of a universal library, speaking on his book Along Came Google: A History of Library Digitization, co-authored with Deanna B. Marcum. Other panelists will include University of Michigan Edward M. Gramlich Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Economics and Public Policy Paul Courant, former University Librarian and…
Past Event
February 15, 2023
Creating Digital Collections with and for Indigenous Communities
NISO Plus 2023 Conference
On Wednesday, February 15 at 9:30 – 10:45 am at the NISO Plus 2023 Conference, Ithaka S+R’s Oya Y. Rieger has organized a session to discuss the increasing recognition of the value of Indigenous knowledge and how it is being supported by the current research infrastructure. The session will look at best practices for working with Indigenous communities to create digital collections that meet their needs. This includes, for example, consideration of data sovereignty, privacy issues, and other acknowledgements…
Blog Post
January 31, 2023
Insights from the A*CENSUS II Archives Administrators Report
On Tuesday, January 31, we published the A*CENSUS II Archives Administrators Survey findings. The Archives Administrator Survey Report is the second report in the A*CENSUS II series, the first being the All Archivists Survey Report published in August 2022. The Archives Administrators Survey gathered data from the most senior archives leaders and decision makers regardless of the size of the archives, including administrators who oversee large archives organizations, archives units within broader institutions, and small community archives collections.
Past Event
February 17, 2023
Insights from the A*CENSUS II Archives Administrators Report
On February 17, from 2:00-3:30 pm (ET), Makala Skinner and Beth Myers will present findings from the A*CENSUS II Archives Administrators Survey during a webinar hosted by Ithaka S+R. The Archives Administrators Survey is the second survey of A*CENSUS II, the first being the All Archivists Survey, initially published in August, 2022. The Archives Administrators Survey report, published on January 31, includes data on budgets, collection sizes, staff recruitment and retention, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic,…
Research Report
January 31, 2023
A*CENSUS II: Archives Administrators Survey
Seven hundred and forty-six archives administrators representing academic institutions, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, for-profit organizations, and community archives across the United States shared information about their organizations and their perspectives on key issues in the field by completing the A*CENSUS II Archives Administrators Survey. This report shares findings on archives’ budget and collection sizes, staff recruitment and retention, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility practices.
Blog Post
January 30, 2023
A Librarian’s Perspective on Streaming Video in Educational Contexts
Almost exactly one year ago, I added “Streaming Video Coordinator” to my portfolio at Cornell University Library, a role which includes looking strategically at our streaming media offerings. In this capacity I started thinking about what a collection policy focused on streaming video might look like. In fact, libraries don’t collect streaming video at all, but rather prioritize timely access to films needed to support course instruction.
Blog Post
January 26, 2023
Teaching with Streaming Video
A New Report from Ithaka S+R Provides Insights from Instructors
Instructors from all disciplines have incorporated video into their syllabi, and—unsurprisingly—streaming video is now the dominant format to which they turn. Faculty and students appreciate the flexibility of streaming video, which students can access on a variety of platforms ranging from YouTube to subscription services licensed by university libraries. Libraries are now making significant investments to license streaming content for educational use and anticipate that their spending in this area will double over the next five years. As the…
Research Report
January 26, 2023
Teaching with Streaming Video
Understanding Instructional Practices, Challenges, and Support Needs
Ithaka S+R launched a project in collaboration with a cohort of libraries to identify challenges and develop strategies for streaming media acquisitions. We published the findings from the first part of this project—a comprehensive national survey that tracked the streaming media strategies libraries are adopting and the challenges they are facing—in June, 2022. This second report draws on a qualitative study of faculty practices and support needs with streaming video. Understanding these practices can guide libraries to make strategic acquisitions…
Blog Post
January 17, 2023
Re-Assessing the “Big Deal”
Views from Cornell University and Georgia Southern University
As publishers shift their business strategies to meet higher education’s open access priorities, universities must continually re-assess the extent to which their readers still require access to content behind paywalls, and by extension, whether the bundled subscription packages that provided a discount to that content still constitute a “big deal.” Understanding the costs of these subscriptions to institutions relative to the benefits to its readers is made complicated by the uneven pace of open access uptake across disciplines as well…
Blog Post
January 12, 2023
Preserving Their Stories: Archiving Mass Incarceration
A New NEH-Funded Project
We’re thrilled to announce that the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), through its Research and Development Program, has granted funding to a new Ithaka S+R project to explore how the stories of people who are justice impacted can best be preserved and develop strategies to make these first-hand experiences of mass incarceration accessible. In partnership with the Justice Arts Coalition (JAC), “Preserving Their Stories” will explore how creative works generated by people in prison circulate beyond prison…
Issue Brief
January 5, 2023
Copyright and Streaming Audiovisual Content in the US Context
Copyright law includes special rights for research and teaching, including the fair use right, which can help address gaps between the educational activities that technology facilitates and the exclusive rights copyright grants to authors. In this brief, we review how US copyright law currently applies to streaming content for educational and research purposes and explore the opportunities for academic libraries.
Blog Post
December 19, 2022
Collaborative Collection Development
A New IMLS-Funded Partnership
Ithaka S+R is proud to announce our participation in a new multi-institutional partnership to facilitate the cross-industry development of collaborative library collections. The project is generously funded through the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) National Leadership Grant for Libraries, awarded to the National Information Standards Organization (NISO), the Partnership for Academic Library Collaboration & Innovation (PALCI), Lehigh University Libraries, and Ithaka S+R, along with 27 other partner organizations.
November 9, 2022
Leading by Diversifying Collections
A Guide for Academic Library Leadership
Academic libraries build collections in the context of their parent institutions—primarily to support the institution’s research, teaching, and learning mission. They also build collections that document and preserve the cultural and scientific heritage of our society to represent a wide range of perspectives. In these efforts, universities and their libraries are developing approaches that address calls for greater diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) with a focus on creating space for and the perspectives of historically marginalized groups.
Past Event
November 3, 2022
Licensing and Learning
What New Research Suggests About How Streaming Video Can Support Student Learning
In a session at the 2022 Charleston Conference, Ithaka S+R’s Dylan Ruediger will share findings from large-scale research Ithaka S+R conducted this spring regarding instructors’ use of streaming video in pedagogical contexts, and libraries’ decision making regarding streaming media licensing. The mixed-method research project raises important questions about the necessity for alignment across campus around how video can meet pedagogical goals. Dr. Adam Frost and Lisa Forrest will also present, and the panel will be moderated by Michael Carmichael. The…
Blog Post
September 15, 2022
Community Reflections on Ithaka S+R’s report about Digital Preservation and Curation Systems
In July 2022, we shared our findings from a broad examination of the digital preservation and curation systems landscape, drawn in part from deep dives into a number of third-party preservation platforms. Along with this research, we’ve held a series of online forums to gather feedback on the report from the community. Here, we synthesize what we heard during five invitation-only and three open webinars with 253 people, including preservation service providers, curation specialists, technologists, and more.
Past Event
October 20, 2022
Streaming Video in the Classroom: Connecting Acquisitions and Instruction
2022 Annual Video Trust Conference Session
In a virtual session at the 2022 Annual Video Trust Conference, taking place on October 17 – 20th, Dylan Ruediger and Makala Skinner will share updates from an Ithaka S+R project studying the evolving landscape of streaming educational video. The session will share data from a survey released in June and present a preview of the next phase of the project, which will involve semi-structured interviews with over 200 instructors about their experiences teaching with video. The event takes place…
Past Event
September 29, 2022
Selecting and Implementing Digital Preservation Systems
A Two-Part Workshop Hosted by LYRASIS
In a two-part workshop hosted by LYRASIS and designed for heritage organization staff, Oya Y. Rieger will present strategies for assessing local preservation needs and implementing digital preservation and curation systems and tools, drawing on Ithaka S+R’s recent report, “The Effectiveness and Durability of Digital Preservation and Curation Systems.” The sessions will meet on September 29 at 2-3:30 pm ET and on October 13 at 2-3:30 pm ET. Learn more about the workshop and register here.