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Topic: Libraries

Blog Post
May 9, 2012

Video Series on Sustaining Digital Resources

Since 2007, Ithaka S+R and the Strategic Content Alliance (SCA) have been working together to examine the challenges that the academic and cultural heritage communities face in making sure that the digital resources they create will endure and provide value well beyond their initial creation. These short videos offer an introduction to our research on the sustainability of digital resources, and include useful guidance for those managing projects at universities, museums, and libraries. Feel free to view, embed or…
Research Report
October 6, 2011

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 2011

Launching a "Freemium" Model

The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (SEP), a peer reviewed, open access online reference, draws its funding from investment returns from a project endowment, built from the financial contributions of academic libraries. When we first studied the project, it had made great progress toward its goal of building a $4.125 million endowment, but it faced uncertainty over the extent to which the economic downturn in 2008 would affect its investments. In the two years since then, as endowment support has not…
Research Report
October 6, 2011

University of Southampton Library Digitisation Unit 2011

Reimagining the Value Proposition

When the original case study was published in 2009, the staff of the BOPCRIS Digitization Centre at the University of Southampton’s Hartley Library had recently completed three large scale, grant funded digitization projects and was exploring different means of ensuring access to the digital content they had created. An early experiment with local hosting had shown that the Library was unprepared to deal with the on-going costs of maintaining these resources, and they turned to external content providers—ProQuest and JSTOR—for…
Research Report
October 6, 2011

Electronic Enlightenment (EE) 2011

Outreach or Outsource? The Benefits and Challenges of Partnership, Case Study Update 2011

In 2008 the Electronic Enlightenment launched efforts to transition to an institutional subscription model, part of its long-term plan for sustaining itself beyond the period of grant funding. Now housed at Oxford’s Bodleian Library and working with Oxford University Press as its sales, marketing and distribution partner, Electronic Enlightenment is still in the process of building its subscriber base, a task made more challenging by the impact of the recession on library budgets. This update reports on the challenges EE…
Research Report
October 6, 2011

The Middle School Portal 2: Math and Science Pathways, National Science Digital Library 2011

The Challenges of Sustaining a Project as the End of a Grant Approaches

The original case study, "The Middle School Portal 2 (MSP2): Math and Science Pathways, National Science Digital Library: Early Sustainability Planning for a Grant-Funded Digital Library," profiled a new grant-supported initiative: a portal devoted to collecting high-quality teaching resources for use by middle school educators. The resource was part of the National Science Foundation’s National Science Digital Library (NSDL) program, a collection of online resources for educators in STEM disciplines (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). In the first year of…
Research Report
June 14, 2011

Funding for Sustainability

How Funders’ Practices Influence the Future of Digital Resources

"Funding for Sustainability: How Funders’ Practices Influence the Future of Digital Resources" offers an overview of funders' policies and practices, and provides a framework to assist funders and their grantees in thinking about the key elements of post-grant sustainability planning for digital resources. Over the past decade, philanthropic organizations and government agencies have invested millions of dollars, pounds, and euros in the creation of digital content in the not-for-profit sector. Their grants have facilitated major digitization efforts and encouraged innovative…
Research Report
July 14, 2009

BOPCRIS Digitisation Centre 2009

Experimentation with Sustainability and Partnerships for Library Digitisation Projects

The University of Southampton’s Hartley Library has been engaged in a number of large scale, grant funded digitization initiatives focused on heritage materials such as parliamentary papers and British pamphlets. These projects left them with a challenge familiar to many grant-funded projects: developing a strategy to preserve access to the content after the grant period concluded. Early experiences suggested to library leadership that they were not well positioned to host this content locally, so with subsequent projects they began to…
Research Report
July 14, 2009

DigiZeitschriften 2009

Library Partnership and a Subscription Model for a Journal Database

DigiZeitschriften, a German language archive of scholarly journals, was created in 1999 with funding from the German Research Foundation. Since its launch as an online service in 2005, DigiZeitschriften has implemented a sustainability model that includes a partnership of libraries contributing time and expertise, and a financial model of institutional subscriptions that has more than covered its operating costs to date. This case study examines the decisions leading DigiZeitschriften to adopt this plan for sustainability, and explores the benefits as…
Research Report
July 14, 2009

Sustaining Digital Resources

An On-the-Ground View of Projects Today

This research is part of a multi-year, international exploration of the strategies being used to support digital initiatives over the long term. In 2008, we selected twelve projects to examine, analyzing the steps their project leaders have taken to achieve sustainability, with special attention paid to their strategies for cost management and revenue generation. "Sustaining Digital Resources: An On-the-Ground View of Projects Today" serves as a guide to the cases, outlining the stages that successful projects undertake in developing sustainability…
Research Report
July 14, 2009

Electronic Enlightenment (EE) 2009

Subscription-based Resource Sold Through a University Press

After several years of reliance on foundation support, Oxford University’s Electronic Enlightenment (EE), a database containing the digitized correspondence of over 6,000 thinkers and writers from the long 18th century, needed to transition from a grant funded project to an independently sustainable research project. After hiring a business planning consultant to help them think through different options, project leadership concluded that a sustainability model based on institutional subscriptions to the resource was the best fit for the project’s needs. In…
Research Report
July 14, 2009

The National Archives (TNA) 2009

Digitisation with Commercial Partnerships via the Licensed Internet Associates Program

The challenges of digitizing, preserving and providing access to over 1,000 years’ worth of material held by The National Archives (TNA) are considerable. In recent years, TNA has developed a strategy to digitize content quickly though its Licensed Internet Associates program. These commercial partnerships, closely managed by TNA staff, have allowed the institution to digitize millions of pages of material at minimal direct cost. This case study explores the model developed by TNA in light of the opportunities that commercial…
Research Report
July 14, 2009

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy 2009

Building an Endowment with Community Support

Endowments are often thought of as a source of reliable support for established institutions such as universities and foundations, but in recent years online academic resources have also begun experimenting with the endowment model as a means of sustainable funding. The model holds forth the promise of guaranteeing access to a resource in perpetuity, with the investment returns from the endowment continuously generating funds to sustain the resource. Since 2004, the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy has successfully raised three-quarters of…
Research Report
January 1, 2007

Getting from Here to There, Safely

Library Strategic Planning for the Transition Away from Print Journals

The transition of scholarly journals from print to electronic formats is affecting libraries and publishers in numerous ways. Based on several projects we had conducted on this transition, examining libraries and publishers alike, this article provided recommendations for library leaders about how best to manage the transition. Some key issues covered included responsive vs. strategic management of the process, special needs for journals from smaller publishers, infrastructure planning, and preservation considerations.