Topic: Libraries
Blog Post
April 26, 2023
Three Questions for Tracy Bergstrom
Earlier this month, Tracy Bergstrom joined Ithaka S+R as a program manager focused on collections and infrastructure. Previously she worked at the University of Notre Dame as director of the specialized collection services program within the Hesburgh Libraries. In this interview, we asked Tracy about her career trajectory, the challenges facing academic libraries, and what types of projects she will be undertaking in her new role. You worked at Notre Dame for a number of years. How did you get…
Research Report
April 24, 2023
Common Scholarly Communication Infrastructure Landscape Review
Scholarly communication is the process through which research products and outputs (such as articles, audiovisual materials, data, code, and research methods) are created, assessed, improved, shared, disseminated, and preserved in a variety of modes including through formal and informal publications, conferences, and other academic networking methods. Shared infrastructure is a key enabler for delivering the services that authors and readers need. It is composed of standards, platforms, technologies, policies, and the communities that enable and support them.
Research Report
April 20, 2023
Security and Censorship
A Comparative Analysis of State Department of Corrections Media Review Policies
Despite resurgent public interest in censorship issues, research and reporting on prison censorship policies remain largely localized, with few wide-scale studies of the issue. The highly decentralized nature of the carceral system in the United States complicate such an undertaking. In an effort to make available policy information more accessible and to develop a sense of how censorship policies might impact higher education in prisons, Ithaka S+R examined media review directives across all 50 states and Washington DC.
Blog Post
April 18, 2023
Assessing the Racial Diversity of Librarians
How racially diverse is the librarian profession, and how can we begin to assess that diversity? Those are the two key questions at the heart of two companion issue briefs we are publishing today. The first issue brief, co-authored by both of us, focuses on the methodological implications of trying to measure the racial demographic trends of the profession in the absence of systematic benchmarking beyond US Census data reported through the Bureau of Labor…
Issue Brief
April 18, 2023
Changing the Racial Demographics of Librarians
Librarianship has a racial diversity representation problem. Black, Indigenous, and people of color have been underrepresented in the field for decades, and despite the momentum and initiatives in support of diversifying the profession, the numbers appear to not have changed meaningfully. The data tell a consistent and compelling story: the library profession remains overwhelmingly white. Part of the problem stems from the fact that demographic information about the profession is not measured and reported in a consistent manner.
Issue Brief
April 18, 2023
By Any Measure
The Racial Demographics of Librarians
The things that get measured by an organization are a tell for what matters to the organization. Librarianship has been grappling with an underrepresentation of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) librarians for decades, and while libraries have developed a plethora of recruitment initiatives, the numbers appear to have not changed meaningfully, remaining static over the decades. A contributing factor may be that demographic information about the profession is not routinely measured and reported.
Blog Post
April 11, 2023
US Faculty Survey Updates
2021 Data Now Available and Looking Ahead to 2024
For over 20 years Ithaka S+R has tracked teaching and research trends through a national survey of faculty. Today we are excited to share several updates about the program. Working with our data Last year we published the findings from the US Faculty Survey and in parallel we have been working with the incredible staff at ICPSR to ensure that the associated data is made openly available at the highest level of quality for current and future use. The…
Blog Post
March 30, 2023
Findings from the Most Recent US Library Survey
Today, we are publishing our findings from the latest cycle of the US Library Survey, fielded from October to December 2022. This report is designed to provide library and other higher education leaders with a high-level look at how library deans and directors conceptualize the role, strategic alignment, and value proposition of academic libraries on campuses. In this sixth iteration of the project, we continue to explore library strategy, budgets, and staffing. We also introduced new batteries of questions…
Research Report
March 30, 2023
US Library Survey 2022
Navigating the New Normal
Since 2010, Ithaka S+R has conducted the Library Survey on a triennial basis with the overarching goal of tracking the perspectives, priorities, and leadership strategies of library deans and directors at four-year academic institutions. This study is designed to provide library and other higher education leadership with a high-level overview of the topics that are at the forefront of library leaders as they conceptualize the role, strategic alignment, and value proposition of academic libraries on campuses.
Past Event
April 3, 2023
Navigating the New Normal
Findings from the Latest Ithaka S+R Library Director Survey
Ioana Hulbert will present the results of the new Ithaka S+R Library Director Survey at the Coalition of Networked Information (CNI) Spring 2023 Membership Meeting, scheduled to take place on Monday, April 3, 2023 at 3:25 – 3:55 pm MT. The triennial Ithaka S+R Library Director Survey is an established longitudinal research effort that captures issues that are top of mind for academic library deans and directors. Against the backdrop of the Great Resignation/Reshuffle, the pandemic, as well as new…
Blog Post
March 22, 2023
Campus Strategies for Data Support Services
Welcoming the Second Cohort
What research data services do campuses currently offer and are researchers aware of them? What funding models can support the costs of centralized data services? Where in the larger organizational structure should these services reside? How can institutions make informed staffing decisions to ensure the expertise needed to support current and future services? As the need for robust, effective, and coordinated research data services on college campuses grows increasingly acute, these are some of the key questions members in our…
Blog Post
March 20, 2023
Supporting Public-Academic Library Partnerships
There are many intersections between public and community college libraries, both in the populations they serve and their functions within their local communities. However, there is little guidance on how to forge partnerships between these sectors to maximize resources and better serve students and the larger community. Today, I am delighted to announce the launch of a three-year research initiative funded by ECMC Foundation to help equip the library community to develop and maximize partnerships in order to better provide…
Past Event
March 17, 2023
Casting a Different Kind of Net
Diversifying Collections in Academic Libraries
At ACRL’s 2023 Conference, Ithaka S+R’s Mark McBride will participate in an OCLC hosted panel discussion on diversifying collections in academic libraries, alongside Andy Breeding and Merrilee Proffitt. The panel is scheduled to take place on Friday, March 17 at 9 – 10 am. Panelists will share findings from recent research and related discussions that explore: What does it mean to diversify collections? What practices can support those efforts? What barriers are being encountered? What does a better future look…
Past Event
March 9, 2023
A Library for All
University of Michigan, Google, and the Importance of Having a Copy
On Thursday, March 9 at 7 pm ET, Ithaka S+R’s Roger Schonfeld will serve as a panelist on a University of Michigan event focused on library digitization, digital archiving, and the idea of a universal library, speaking on his book Along Came Google: A History of Library Digitization, co-authored with Deanna B. Marcum. Other panelists will include University of Michigan Edward M. Gramlich Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Economics and Public Policy Paul Courant, former University Librarian and…
Blog Post
February 6, 2023
Exploring College Fluency at Community Colleges
Seeking Case Study Partners
What happens when a student asks a librarian for information related to registering for classes, signing up for financial aid, or accessing mental health counseling services? These are questions community college librarians routinely respond to, though they are not directly related to librarians’ typical functions of supporting coursework or research. How might a librarian better support such a student? Last year, Ithaka S+R and the Borough of Manhattan Community College Library embarked on a two and a half year long…
Blog Post
February 2, 2023
Building Campus Strategies for Data Support Services Project Kicks Off
With 2023 coined the “year of data” by the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, and data-intensive research methods growing across disciplines, campuses throughout the US and Canada are recognizing the strategic need to build a centralized approach to providing data support services to researchers. These services are often provided by the library, in addition to other campus units scattered across the university. Developed over time and with minimal coordination, data support services tend to exist in silos,…
Blog Post
January 31, 2023
Insights from the A*CENSUS II Archives Administrators Report
On Tuesday, January 31, we published the A*CENSUS II Archives Administrators Survey findings. The Archives Administrator Survey Report is the second report in the A*CENSUS II series, the first being the All Archivists Survey Report published in August 2022. The Archives Administrators Survey gathered data from the most senior archives leaders and decision makers regardless of the size of the archives, including administrators who oversee large archives organizations, archives units within broader institutions, and small community archives collections.
Past Event
February 17, 2023
Insights from the A*CENSUS II Archives Administrators Report
On February 17, from 2:00-3:30 pm (ET), Makala Skinner and Beth Myers will present findings from the A*CENSUS II Archives Administrators Survey during a webinar hosted by Ithaka S+R. The Archives Administrators Survey is the second survey of A*CENSUS II, the first being the All Archivists Survey, initially published in August, 2022. The Archives Administrators Survey report, published on January 31, includes data on budgets, collection sizes, staff recruitment and retention, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic,…
Research Report
January 31, 2023
A*CENSUS II: Archives Administrators Survey
Seven hundred and forty-six archives administrators representing academic institutions, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, for-profit organizations, and community archives across the United States shared information about their organizations and their perspectives on key issues in the field by completing the A*CENSUS II Archives Administrators Survey. This report shares findings on archives’ budget and collection sizes, staff recruitment and retention, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility practices.
Blog Post
January 30, 2023
A Librarian’s Perspective on Streaming Video in Educational Contexts
Almost exactly one year ago, I added “Streaming Video Coordinator” to my portfolio at Cornell University Library, a role which includes looking strategically at our streaming media offerings. In this capacity I started thinking about what a collection policy focused on streaming video might look like. In fact, libraries don’t collect streaming video at all, but rather prioritize timely access to films needed to support course instruction.