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Topic: Scholarly communication

Past Event
October 4, 2022

The Growing Importance of Video in Scholarly Publishing

On October 4 at 10 am ET, Dylan Ruediger will participate in a webinar on the use of video content across the scholarly community. Hosted by HighWire as part of the Best Practice Webinar series, the session will include discussion on video and audio metadata guidelines, event streaming and video conference as part of the scholarly record, tagging and taxonomy for video, metadata standards and best practices, as well as an audience Q&A.
Past Event
September 22, 2022

New Directions in Data Science and Scholarly Publishing

Society for Scholarly Publishing 2022 Seminar

In a session at the Society for Scholarly Publishing’s 2022 Seminar, Ithaka S+R’s Dylan Ruediger will join Rebecca McLeod, Christina Drummond, and Lillian Wang Selonick in a discussion of how organizations can use internal data to improve workflows and staff experience, inform the impact of outputs, activities, and more. The session is scheduled for 11am-12pm on Thursday, September 22 at the seminar, taking place in Washington, DC and virtually. Learn more here.
Blog Post
August 10, 2022

How Can Data Librarians Support Data Communities? Part Two

An Interview with Amanda Rinehart

Data communities provide social and practical incentives for scientists to voluntarily share and reuse data with colleagues. In order for data communities to emerge and grow, they need support. Information professionals, such as data librarians and research computing specialists, can advise data communities on best practices for data sharing and help them create or improve the required infrastructure, such as online repositories and metadata schemas.
Research Report
August 9, 2022

Leveraging Data Communities to Advance Open Science

Findings from an Incubation Workshop Series

Several recent studies have indicated that large numbers of researchers in many STEM fields now accept the value of openly sharing research data. Yet, the actual practice of sharing data—especially in forms that comply with FAIR principles—remains a challenge for many researchers to integrate into their workflows and prioritize among the demands on their time. In many disciplines and subfields, data sharing is still mostly an ideal, honored more in the breach than in practice.
Blog Post
July 21, 2022

Gearing Up for the Ithaka S+R National Library Director Survey

This fall, Ithaka S+R will be fielding the sixth iteration of our Library Director Survey. While we ran a special cycle of the survey in 2020 to track pandemic-related decision-making among academic libraries, as well as changing perspectives on diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility and anti-racism, this upcoming survey marks the return to our triennial cycle, established in 2010.  The Library Director Survey 2022 examines the strategic and leadership perspectives of…
Blog Post
July 20, 2022

The Many Faces of Meetings

A Taxonomy of Emerging Models for In-Person and Hybrid Conferences

Scholarly conferences are at a crossroads. The pandemic has made it clear that virtual meetings are not only possible, but make conferences more accessible to a broader, and more diverse audience. At the same time, the pandemic has clarified the unique value that in-person meetings offer due to their capacity to leverage physical proximity to promote social engagement, networking, and serendipitous interaction that foster the generation of new ideas. As organizers begin to shift their…
Blog Post
July 14, 2022

Tracking the Research, Teaching, and Publishing Practices of Faculty Members Nationally

US Faculty Survey

We are excited to announce the publication of the US Faculty Survey 2021. Through this national survey, we have been able to track the changing research, teaching, and publishing practices of faculty members within higher education triennially since early digital transformation at the turn of the century. Against the backdrop of the global pandemic and its numerous impacts on many different facets of higher education, this eighth cycle of the survey illuminates how earlier research and instructional trends…
Research Report
July 14, 2022

Ithaka S+R US Faculty Survey 2021

The Ithaka S+R US Faculty Survey has tracked the changing research, teaching, and publishing practices of faculty members within higher education triennially since early digital transformation at the turn of the century. This project has aimed to provide actionable findings to help colleges and universities, among other relevant stakeholders such as academic libraries, learned societies, and scholarly publishers, make evidence-based decisions for their planning and strategy.
Blog Post
June 30, 2022

How Can Data Librarians Support Data Communities?

An Interview with Jordan Wrigley

Data communities provide social and practical incentives for scientists to voluntarily share and reuse data with colleagues. In order for data communities to emerge and grow, they need support. Information professionals, such as data librarians and research computing specialists, can advise data communities on best practices for data sharing and help them create or improve the required infrastructure, such as online repositories and metadata schemas. However, research scientists and information professionals rarely have structured opportunities to meet together,…
Research Report
June 9, 2022

Streaming Media Licensing and Purchasing Practices at Academic Libraries

Survey Results

Researchers have undertaken several important efforts to track how libraries are approaching the streaming media market and troubleshoot the challenges they are encountering, focusing especially on strategies for balancing patron demand with managing costs. Building on those data gathering efforts, this report shares findings from the most comprehensive survey to date of academic library streaming media approaches at four-year institutions in the US and Canada.
Past Event
June 2, 2022

Building a More Connected Scholarly Community

Danielle Cooper and Dylan Ruediger at SSP Annual Meeting

On June 2, 2022 at 10:30 AM ET, Danielle Cooper and Dylan Ruediger will attend the SSP Annual Meeting titled, “Building a More Connected Scholarly Community”. Below is the abstract for their session. For more information, please visit this site.  From Conference Presentation to Content Stream: Speculations about the Future of Academic Meetings and Scholarly Communication Conference presentations are essential to the research process of scholars in the humanities and social sciences. Researchers use them to test provisional…
Past Event
April 13, 2022

The Future of Research as a Global Enterprise

Roger Schonfeld presents during Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) webinar

On April 13 at 11:00 am ET, Roger Schonfeld will join a panel on global research infrastructures during a 2022 Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP) webinar with the Scholarly Kitchen. For more information, please visit this website. The abstract is below: In the post-Cold War era, many observers have conceptualized science as a global activity, with substantial international collaboration, more readily facilitated cross-border scholarly communication, and even UN-level efforts to steer science towards Sustainable Development Goals. But regional differences,…
Past Event
May 11, 2022

Roger Schonfeld at Charleston In Between Conference

On May 11-12, Roger Schonfeld will participate as a panel moderator at the Charleston In Between Conference. For more information on the conference and registration, please visit this website.
Past Event
May 1, 2022

Recombinant Scholarly Publishing: Challenges, Trends, and Emerging Strategies

Roger Schonfeld at CSE 2022 Annual Meeting

In May, Roger Schonfeld will attend the CSE 2022 Annual Meeting. Below is the abstract to his session: Funder mandates and governmental policies as well as fraud and piracy – to name just a few of the forces — are changing the nature of the scholarly publishing business. Mergers and acquisitions are the headlines; however, there are significant changes happening internally to many companies. And, there are industry-wide efforts to foster greater collaboration and improved researcher experience. In this keynote,…
Past Event
April 13, 2022

Roger Schonfield and Deanna Marcum at RLUK DSF

On April 13, Roger Schonfield and Deanna Marcum  will discuss their new book, “Along Came Google: A History of Library Digitization” at RLUK’s Digital Shift Forum. Please the abstract below. The registration information is available here.  Abstract The history of library digitization can provide many important lessons for library leaders today. In this session, Deanna Marcum and Roger Schonfeld, authors of the recently published Along Came Google (Princeton University Press), will have a conversation about some of the key…
Past Event
February 23, 2022

Roger Schonfeld at the 2022 Chorus Forum

On February 23, Roger Schonfeld will moderate a panel on “The Societal Impact of Different Article Versions: VOR, AM or Preprints.” The panelists include Meagan Phelan, Executive Director of Science Press Package; John R. Inglis, Executive Director and Publisher of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press and co-founder bioRxiv and medRxiv ; and Keith Seitter, Executive Director Emeritus of the American Meteorological Society. Registration is available on the Chorus Forum site. Panel abstract: In an environment of misinformation, distrust in…
Past Event
February 23, 2022

Roger Schonfeld at Researcher to Reader Conference

On February 23, Roger Schonfeld will moderate a panel on mergers and acquisitions at the 2022 Researcher to Reader Conference. The full conference program can be found here. About the session: Consolidation is an expected feature of a developing digital platforms sector, as providers establish coherent user workflows, aggregate data sources to build scale for analytics and buy out competitors. We have seen all of these dynamics in the scholarly ecosystem in recent years, both by born-digital…
Past Event
February 18, 2022

Roger Schonfeld at UC Berkeley’s School of Information

On February 18, Roger Schonfeld will lead a seminar on Research Integrity, Misconduct, and Misinformation at the University of California Berkeley’s School of Information. About this seminar: The integrity of scientific research is increasingly in question, as sources of research misconduct and publishing fraud increase. Additionally, it seems that in part as a consequence of increasing open access, the scholarly record has become a more significant vector for misinformation. In this context, the neutrality of information organizations seems to…
Blog Post
January 18, 2022

Ithaka S+R is Growing: Join Us!

Over the past few years, the scope and breadth of Ithaka S+R’s work has grown substantially. The Libraries, Scholarly Communication, and Museums program has seen increases in cohort projects that explore critical issues facing libraries; grant funded initiatives focused on digital preservation, higher education in prison, student success, and museum leadership; national surveys of faculty, community college administrators, and archivists; and sponsored work on topics including the health of the research enterprise and diversifying collections.  To…
Blog Post
January 12, 2022

Preprints: Their Evolving Role in Science Communication

New Publication

We are pleased to announce the publication of Preprints: Their Evolving Role in Science Communication by Iratxe Puebla and Jessica Polka, both of ASAPbio, and Ithaka S+R’s Oya Y. Rieger. It is part of the Charleston Briefings: Trending Topics for Information Professionals series. This briefing discusses the history and role of preprints—scholarly manuscripts posted by the author(s) to a repository or platform to facilitate open and broad sharing of early work without any limitations…