jean amaral (MLIS, MA) is associate professor and open knowledge librarian at Borough of Manhattan Community College (BMCC), the largest community college in the City University of New York (CUNY) system. amaral has over 24 years’ experience in higher education, both in the classroom as a composition and literature instructor and as an academic librarian. She partners with faculty across disciplines to create active and engaging learning experiences for students through open knowledge practices, such as Wikipedia edit-a-thons. Leading BMCC’s open educational resources (OER) and open pedagogy programs, amaral has served as institutional lead on research and programmatic initiatives funded by the New York State Department of Education and the Gates and Hewlett Foundation in collaboration with Achieving the Dream. Past collaborations with Ithaka include the Community College Libraries and Academic Support for Student Success (CCLASSS) funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Her research focuses on open knowledge practices, future libraries, and student-centered and student-driven practices, and holistic student needs.