Effective July 2023 incarcerated people will again be eligible to receive Pell grants to support their education, ending a 29 year ban. How will academic libraries support an estimated 500,000 newly eligible students in prison? This panel at ACRL 2023 brings together practitioners and researchers from a public, academic, and college in prison program library to discuss how libraries are currently providing services, and to share strategies for providing library access to college students who are currently incarcerated. Recognizing the power and importance of community building, participants will also learn how to connect with colleagues and build a community of practice for academic librarians working in a complex and challenging environment.

Join the panel on Thursday, March 16 at 4:30 – 5:30 pm ET. Participants include Kurtis Tanaka, Jeanie Austin, Rebecca Bott, and Josh Honn. Learn more here.