Recent changes in the education in prison landscape, ranging from the reinstatement of federal Pell grant funding to post-pandemic technology experimentation, are making educational technology more available inside. As availability grows, research and evaluation on educational technology use and instruction inside is shifting  from questions of access  to explorations of how technology can be integrated to increase digital and educational equity.

This interactive session at the Correctional Education Association (CEA)’s 2024 Conference, co-led by RTI and Ithaka S+R, will be a first attempt at understanding how to answer those questions. Participants in this panel will collaborate in an audience-driven discussion on: how to get the most educational equity out of the digital technology at your disposal; what gets in the way; and what external researchers and evaluators need to know about how instruction and technology work on the inside. The session is scheduled to take place on Tuesday, July 30 at 9:00-10:00am.