While the reinstatement of federal Pell grant funding and developments in the field, have turned attention toward higher education in prison programs, explorations of how higher education in prison programs can best provide reintegration support and continuing education post-release are only just beginning. In addition to the host of complex challenges that individuals who are incarcerated face upon release—such as obtaining housing, employment, food, transportation, documentation, technology, etc.—continuing students are faced with additionally navigating and finding community and belonging within the complex and arcane institutions of higher education. With support from ECMC foundation, Ithaka S+R has begun to explore how colleges and community organizations partner to support students in reentry, reintegration, and transition.

This session at the Correctional Education Association (CEA)’s 2024 Conference will highlight some preliminary and emerging takeaways from our research-in-progress and ask audience-members/participants to explore how institutions, departments of corrections, colleges, and community organizations and nonprofits can, do, or should partner to create cohesive support networks for returning students. The session is scheduled to take place on July 31 at 3:30m.