Transitioning to the next generation of metadata comes at a time of change in the social, political, and economic contexts in which libraries operate. This Transforming Metadata webinar features speakers whose recent publications help us better understand how these forces are shaping scholarly communication and metadata ecologies. Ithaka S+R’s Ioana Hulbert and Tracy Bergstrom share insights from recent studies that track perspectives and priorities among library deans and directors, focusing on challenges for articulating the value of technical and metadata services. Alice Meadows (MoreBrains) reports on her organization’s work on the cost/benefits of persistent identifier (PID) adoption throughout research lifecycles. This analysis contextualizes librarians’ professional activities within complex and diverse real-world processes. Join the session on September 27 at 11:00 – 12:00 pm ET.

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Tracy Bergstrom, Program Manager, Collections and Infrastructure, Ithaka S+R
Ioana Hulbert, Researcher, Ithaka S+R
Alice Meadows, Cofounder, MoreBrains Cooperative