Increasing Adult Learner Enrollment and Resolving Stranded Credits
“Stranded credits” are credits that students have earned but can’t access because their former institution is holding their transcript as collateral for an unpaid balance to the institution. Ninety-five percent of institutions withhold transcripts when students have a balance, and Ithaka S+R estimates that 6.6 million students nationally have stranded credits. Like student loan debt, stranded credits are inequitably distributed: institutions with higher shares of students of color and Pell-eligible students are estimated to have more former students with stranded credits. Fortunately, there are many opportunities for organizations to work together to better serve students, including the Ithaka S+R-facilitated Ohio College Comeback Compact (Ohio Compact).
Join this session at the 2023 CAEL Conference on November 9 at 11:10am-12:00pm in Key Ballroom 4 to hear from Pooja Patel and Liz Looker on the project.