As of July 1, 2023, people who are incarcerated are once again eligible to receive the federal Pell grant, ending an almost 30 year ban. While this represents a long sought victory for advocates working to expand access to postsecondary educational opportunities inside, the process by which Pell restoration is being implemented is complex, involving many stakeholders across Departments of Corrections, colleges and universities, accreditors, and federal agencies. People who are incarcerated will be the critical stakeholders in ensuring access to high quality postsecondary programming, but, unlike these other groups, lack easy access to information about what the restoration of Pell grants might mean for them.

In a webinar on Friday, September 29 at 2:00 – 3:00 pm ET, we will provide basic information about the restoration of Pell funding, including issues like eligibility, timelines, and continuing education post release, so that those who are in contact with people inside can provide accurate information about what this new stream of federal funding might mean for them and their education. The webinar will be a panel discussion with time set aside for questions. Register today.