On Thursday, November 7, from 4:30 – 5:15 pm, Roger Schonfeld will present on “The Future of Subscription Bundles: Big Deal, No Deal, or What’s the Deal?” as part of a Charleston Conference panel. Beth Bernhardt (Oxford University Press), Tim Bucknall (the University of North Carolina at Greensboro), and Mark McBride (SUNY System Administration) are also presenting. For more information and to register, please see the conference website.

About the panel

In light of well-publicized negotiations around journal deals between major publishers and groups of universities from Germany to California, more and more libraries are engaging in discussions about making significant changes to current journal subscription models. Some look to expand big deals, some seek transformational changes that include increased open access, while others opt for outright cancellation. The actions of the UC System, Projekt DEAL, the Royal Society of Chemistry, and others suggest some alternative directions for the future of journal article publishing and access. This panel will discuss issues around journal package deals and what libraries need to consider in the future.