April 30, 2020
Leading a Library Today
How Library Directors Are Approaching the Challenges of the Current Moment
Over the past two weeks, Ithaka S+R has organized five roundtables for academic library leaders to help support their leadership during this time of disruption and uncertainty. In total, 40 library directors and two associate university librarians attended these sessions, representing every four-year institutional type. Participants introduced themselves by describing what has been working well for their libraries, the challenges they are facing, and their budgetary expectations. The discussion that followed–with minimum facilitation–then focused on the participants’ most…
January 14, 2016
Library Assessment: Notes from ALA Midwinter 2016
At ALA Midwinter in Boston, we attended several valuable sessions on assessment, evaluation, and data visualization. Here’s a roundup of what we heard. ARL Library Assessment Forum Kenning Arlitsch, dean of the library at Montana State University, reported on his grant project, Measuring Up: Assessing Accuracy of Reported Use and Impact of Digital Repositories. While at Marriott Library at the University of Utah, Arlitsch observed that the reported use of the digital collections at the university’s three libraries was…
December 3, 2015
Deanna Marcum to Receive 2016 Miles Conrad Award at NFAIS Annual Conference
The National Federation of Advanced Information Services (NFAIS) announced today that Ithaka S+R’s managing director Deanna Marcum will be the recipient of the 2016 Miles Conrad Award. She will receive the award and deliver the Miles Conrad Memorial Lecture at the NFAIS 2016 Annual Conference next February in Philadelphia. Congratulations Deanna! We’re copying the full press release below. For more information about the NFAIS 2016 Annual Conference, please visit the NFAIS website. For Immediate Release: Ithaka S+R’s Deanna Marcum to Receive…