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Case Study
February 27, 2025

Holistic Credit Mobility Strategies in Action

A Case Study Report on State, System, and Institutional Efforts to Smooth the Path to a College Degree for Mobile Students

To understand the complex nature of learning recognition and credit transfer in American postsecondary education and examine the systemic barriers to entry many students face as they navigate its institutions, Ithaka S+R conducted a series of qualitative interviews in fall 2024 with state and system-level leaders in Idaho, Illinois, Ohio, and the University of North Carolina System, and representatives from Charter Oak State College and Florida International University.
Issue Brief
December 11, 2024

Building a Successful Credit Mobility Platform

Lessons from CUNY Transfer Explorer

Students now have more opportunities to earn college credit at more points in their educational journey than ever before. But moving that earned credit into and between institutions of higher education so that the earned credit applies to a program of study has proven a persistent and stubborn challenge for many students. Studies have concluded that students who lose significant amounts of earned college credit when moving to a new institution have lower chances of graduation and that students report…
Issue Brief
September 10, 2024

Transfer Credit Information at Your Fingertips

Preliminary Findings on Use and Implementation of CUNY Transfer Explorer

CUNY Transfer Explorer (CUNY T-Rex) was developed to simplify the transfer of credits and represents an at-scale technology tool solution that provides transparent and up-to-date information about transfer credit equivalencies to students, faculty, and advisors. We undertook a mixed-methods evaluation to understand the process, conditions, and business requirements that were involved in the launch and proliferation of CUNY T-Rex, as well as to understand the behaviors, uses, and implementation of CUNY T-Rex at individual institutions and system wide.
Case Study
February 14, 2024

Texas Student Success Programs Poised for Impact

Highlighting High Potential

Each student enters college with their own unique set of goals, lived experiences, challenges, and hopes. Postsecondary institutions are challenged to build robust student supports that help these students each achieve their own version of success. This requires developing supports that work for a wide variety of target populations, such as for traditional-aged students entering college directly after high school as well as for returning adults seeking to build on credits they earned elsewhere a decade ago.
Research Report
March 9, 2023

The Texas Student Success Program Inventory

How Public Undergraduate Institutions Are Supporting Student Success Across the State of Texas

Executive Summary The Texas Student Success Program Inventory (SSPI), available at, is an online database of information related to student success programs at public colleges and universities, commissioned by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB). Consistent with nearly every other state, prior to the creation of the SSPI, there was no organized source of information about student success programming in Texas. By creating a user-friendly tool for publicly sharing information, the SSPI is…