March 11, 2025
Centralizing Data Services from the Bottom Up
Challenges in navigating the research enterprise Coordinating any type of service or offering across offices and departments is a persistent and pervasive problem at large universities, and research data support services are no exception. As Ruby MacDougall noted in the announcement of Ithaka S+R’s Building Campus Strategies for Data Support Services project, “data support services tend to exist in silos, which can create economic inefficiencies, duplication of services, and programming gaps.” These challenges motivated a multi-unit team from The…
March 10, 2025
University Open Source Program Offices (OSPOs) in Action
Announcing an Ithaka S+R Webinar
For over two decades, Open Source Program Offices (OSPOs) have played an important role in the private sector, serving as centralized hubs for managing open source engagement and strategy. Facilitating the development, contribution, and governance of widely used tools and critical digital infrastructure, the value of OSPOs is well established in corporate contexts. In higher education, however, OSPOs have only recently begun to gain traction. Universities and their employees rely extensively on open source software for…
March 5, 2025
New Lessons for Improving Community College Transfer to Independent Institutions
Updates to the Playbook for Transfer Pathways to the Liberal Arts
While nearly four out of every five community college students aspire to earn a bachelor’s degree, only 16 percent do so within six years. One oft-overlooked method to increase bachelor’s degree attainment among community college students is to strengthen transfer pathways between two-year and independent (i.e., private, not-for-profit) four-year institutions. Independent institutions often provide flexible degree options, personalized supports, and greater efficiency in credit transfer, all of which can help community college students complete a four-year degree.
March 4, 2025
Announcing a New Report on the Sustainability of Black Literary Organizations
Magnitude and Bond: A Field Study on Black Literary Arts Organizations
In 2023, with funding from the Wallace Foundation, Ithaka S+R began a research collaboration with Cave Canem, a non-profit Black literary arts organization based in Brooklyn, New York. Last week, we published the report resulting from this joint effort: Magnitude and Bond: A Field Study on Black Literary Arts Organizations. For more on the report, we invite you to visit the Cave Canem website.
March 3, 2025
Announcing the Fourth Cycle of the Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey
The Mellon Foundation and Ithaka S+R Opened the 2025 Cycle of the Survey on March 3rd
Since 2014, Ithaka S+R and the Mellon Foundation have fielded the Art Museum Staff Demographic Survey in collaboration with the Association of Art Museum Directors (AAMD) and the American Alliance of Museums (AAM). We are excited to announce the continued collaboration through a fourth cycle of the demographic survey of art museum employees. For over a decade, the Staff Demographic Survey has stood as one of the most cited quantitative studies on demographics within North American art museums. By measuring…
February 28, 2025
Public and Academic Libraries Supporting College Readiness
How are students supposed to know where to start when applying to college? Once they arrive, how do they continue navigating complex institutional systems and advocating for themselves? For many students—especially first-generation students, English language learners, and adult learners—higher education can feel like an overwhelming maze of unfamiliar terminology, decentralized services, and bureaucratic roadblocks. Without clear guidance, students may struggle to access the support they need, impacting their ability to enroll, persist, and succeed in college. Join us for…
February 27, 2025
National Holistic Credit Mobility Acceleration Cohort
Announcing 11 Members
In collaboration with Complete College America, we’re excited to announce the selection of 11 distinguished higher education organizations for the Holistic Credit Mobility Acceleration Cohort. This initiative aims to enhance credential completion rates by promoting flexible and equitable credit mobility pathways for postsecondary students across the country. The cohort members’ efforts will build upon the best practices of early leaders in the field, as outlined in Credit Mobility Strategies in Action, a case study research report we published…
February 14, 2025
Supporting First-Year Success
Insights from the Kessler Scholars Program
The first year of college can be an exciting but difficult transition period for many students, marked by new academic demands, administrative processes, and social experiences. Many first-year students experience feelings of imposter syndrome, isolation, and financial strain and have difficulty balancing coursework with other responsibilities, all of which can contribute to attrition. These challenges are even more pronounced for students from underrepresented backgrounds. First-generation students, in particular, face additional obstacles compared to their peers with college-educated parents. They often…
February 11, 2025
Update: E-Book Publishing Research Study
In May 2024, we announced a new project to study the costs and benefits of emerging models in the monographs publishing landscape. Funded by the Mellon Foundation, the study looks to analyze the market fit of various models within the academic e-book sector to understand how these models are functioning for libraries and authors. As part of this project we are interviewing publishers and content aggregators as well as librarians. In our initial conversations with the first group, we…
February 10, 2025
Defining and Implementing AI Literacy
Announcing a New Cohort Project
Defining and implementing AI literacy is complicated by rapidly evolving technologies and the difficulty of foreseeing the magnitude and variety of AI’s effects on teaching and learning, career readiness, and civic life. Creating institutionally specific frameworks for AI literacy and building the programming and resources necessary to integrate it into undergraduate education will require contributions from across the university. Libraries are well positioned to be campus and even national leaders in these efforts.
February 7, 2025
Navigating Collaboration
Insights from a Partnership between Bakersfield College and Shafter Public Library
With funding from ECMC Foundation, Ithaka S+R launched the Maximizing Public-Academic Library Partnerships initiative to explore the ways academic and public libraries can collaborate to support students and their broader community’s basic needs. As we investigate how these partnerships manifest in real-world settings through case studies, we’ve had the opportunity to engage with two librarians at Bakersfield College on a collaboration that revitalized the Shafter Library.
February 6, 2025
Convening Stakeholders in the Open-Source Ecosystem Workshop
Announcing a New NSF-Funded Project
Open Source Software (OSS) has great potential to benefit higher education and is increasingly recognized as a core component of open science. The community that supports OSS for teaching and administrative purposes, such as Moodle and MIT Mathlets, has made great progress in seeding, scaling, and sustaining their projects within the academy and has built a robust and sustainable infrastructure. However, academic silos have made it difficult for this community to share knowledge with those developing OSS for research purposes.
February 5, 2025
Adult Learner Community of Practice Launched
Over 50 Institutions Across Pennsylvania Participating
In December 2024, Ithaka S+R, in collaboration with the Pennsylvania Department of Education, launched the Adult Learner Re-Engagement Community of Practice. Already, institutions across Pennsylvania are demonstrating their commitment to developing innovative solutions for re-enrolling adult learners. A total of 93 representatives from 51 institutions, including public and private colleges, occupational training providers, community colleges, and universities, have joined this year-long engagement. The group encompasses a wide variety of offices and roles, from academic affairs and admissions to adult…
January 31, 2025
Understanding Work-Based Learning
Understanding the various manifestations of work-based learning is important to maximizing its potential impact on students’ academic and post-graduation experiences. Each type requires different resources and stakeholder support to be implemented properly. In this blog post, we share a taxonomy of work-based learning experiences to help instructors and academic administrators select among the many options when adding or integrating these activities into curricula.
January 30, 2025
Understanding the Relationship Between NC-SARA, Online Enrollments, and High-Value Credentials for Online Learners
With support from the Joyce Foundation and Strada Education Foundation, Ithaka S+R is launching a new research project to understand how the creation of NC-SARA has affected student enrollment in online programs and the extent to which credentials for online learners are valued in the labor market. This project builds on prior Ithaka S+R research that used institution-level data to explore the relationship between NC-SARA and online enrollments.
January 24, 2025
Creating and Sharing Art Under Mass Incarceration
Insights from an Ithaka S+R Webinar
On Thursday January 16th, 2025, we hosted a webinar that explored the importance of art creation in carceral settings, the challenges incarcerated artists face, and the ways different organizations are collaborating with these artists to help disseminate their work to a wider audience and preserve it for the long term. These are issues we also covered in our recent report, Preserving Their Stories: Making (and Sharing) Art Under Mass Incarceration, that was funded through the NEH. We include a…
January 22, 2025
Announcing a New Report on Open Educational Resources
In the fall of 2023 we announced the launch of a new research project, funded by the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, designed to assess the impact and implementation of open educational resource (OER) initiatives at public institutions of higher education. Today, we are publishing the resulting report, based on an initial literature review and interviews with OER leaders in four US states. In Charting the Course: Case Studies in OER Sustainability, we identify five key takeaways: There…
January 21, 2025
Policies to Improve the Effect of the Endowment Tax on the Public Good
In 2017, the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act imposed a 1.4 percent excise tax on net investment earnings of a set of private colleges and universities that meet certain conditions. Currently, the excise tax applies to private colleges and universities that have at least 500 students and assets per student greater than $500,000, in practice reaching highly selective, high-endowment schools.[1] In 2023, 56 institutions were subject to the tax and paid a total of $380 million.[2] The stated…
January 15, 2025
Reflections on Creating a Cross-Campus Collaboration for Reproducibility
Challenges in reproducible research The ability to reproduce results is a cornerstone of scientific integrity in academic research. Reproducibility in research ensures that results can be independently verified, thereby enhancing the credibility and reliability of findings. However, achieving reproducibility is not without its challenges. Researchers often grapple with organizing their analyses, learning new computational tools, and diligently documenting their data and methodologies. These were some of the challenges raised during interviews with faculty at the University of Victoria (UVic) conducted…
January 14, 2025
Supporting Adult Learners and Boosting Degree Completion in Tennessee
Announcing a New Project
Ithaka S+R is excited to announce a collaboration with the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) and the Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) to better understand the challenges faced by Tennesseans with some college but no credential who have been prevented from continuing their education due to administrative holds and past due balances, often called stranded credits. TBR governs the College System of Tennessee, the state’s public community and technical colleges. As a leader in state strategies to promote…